– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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My latest upload is still getting .com for generated link.
Well..the best thing to do now is wait for detail information about it from Filesonic. It is really confusing, but there will be good explanation about it.

Well..i see Hish is online now...
Yes, please check what happens? Urgent!!!

RL upload plugin don't work what happened ?
Login to​
Error logging in - are your logins correct?
In the morning everything acted
hi, i upload 3 files using web upload but only 1 file showed up in file manager (after 8 hours), other 2 files are not there but download links are working. are those 2 files not seen in file manager download count?

after looking into file manager, i see many files has the same problem not showing up after upload.
I've just cleared all my browser cookies.
I don't know what happen...but until there's announcement, i think better not login and cleared all my browser cookies...for preventive action.
I love you filesonic, but I'm very UNLUCKY today.... OMG.... what else I can do

only 11 sales ....:((((( ....:)))))))), whoever says No sales...I say YES sales
Help me, about Filesonic referral

I have many referral account in filesonic. and one day i logined into account of one member, only one time.

So filesonic ban my account?

FileSonic Hish , please help me!!
0 sales today , O sales yesterday = I am on PPS
3 sales in wednesday and monday , 1 sale in tuesday = I am on PPD
Weird !!!!

Same thing happened to me initially :( .
Its sheer bad luck mate , I really wish you few sales while you are on PPS :)


I have many referral account in filesonic. and one day i logined into account of one member, only one time.

So filesonic ban my account?

FileSonic Hish , please help me!!

Hello honghabt

Please PM your login id to Hish and I am 100% sure reason for banning your account must be different and more serious from what you have mentioned.

Still Please PM him and know the actual reasons.

Nobody is having remote upload problem? It keep telling me the login is in correct, but it's exactly the login which I can use it to login filesonic account through web.


But every plan had own risk.
I've been through same experience like you.

When I'm in PPD...damn got sales again...strange...
When I'm in PPS Fixed 10...sales came to me please...and when you've got some sales, you start to thinking...hey...maybe if i choose PPS i can earns more...65% of 3 month, 1 year or lifetime sales is better than fixed 10.
Then switch to only got $5.4...i should choose fixed 10 again..

Yes, i believe many members had that thought.
For now i just can say this : when you choose any must believe that is the best for you, pay a respect and attention to what you've least for 1 week until you can switch again.
Every plan had it's own sweet...just focus and patience.
I have many referral account in filesonic. and one day i logined into account of one member, only one time.

So filesonic ban my account?

FileSonic Hish , please help me!!

But filesonic didn't ban my account . so it's normal

Hello honghabt

Is that a question or your account is banned ?

If thats a question , i would suggest , you better have your refer to send a screen shot to you rather than you login into his account , to avoid any trouble whatsoever.


Nobody is having remote upload problem? It keep telling me the login is in correct, but it's exactly the login which I can use it to login filesonic account through web.

Hello pacolim

Can you please explain how are you doing it ?

Also are you a premium member ?

Same thing happened to me initially :( .
Its sheer bad luck mate , I really wish you few sales while you are on PPS :)


Hello honghabt

Please PM your login id to Hish and I am 100% sure reason for banning your account must be different and more serious from what you have mentioned.

Still Please PM him and know the actual reasons.




But every plan had own risk.
I've been through same experience like you.

When I'm in PPD...damn got sales again...strange...
When I'm in PPS Fixed 10...sales came to me please...and when you've got some sales, you start to thinking...hey...maybe if i choose PPS i can earns more...65% of 3 month, 1 year or lifetime sales is better than fixed 10.
Then switch to only got $5.4...i should choose fixed 10 again..

Yes, i believe many members had that thought.
For now i just can say this : when you choose any must believe that is the best for you, pay a respect and attention to what you've least for 1 week until you can switch again.
Every plan had it's own sweet...just focus and patience.
Yes,mate I know you are right, and everything you say is totally true, but this is so frustrating for me.
I hard working during PPS days. Upload more files than usually, with similar content as I on PPD,but .....
Anyway ,thanx for support to You and to reverse
Yes,mate I know you are right, and everything you say is totally true, but this is so frustrating for me.
I hard working during PPS days. Upload more files than usually, with similar content as I on PPD,but .....
Anyway ,thanx for support to You and to reverse

Welcome mate :) , Please test both PPD and PPS for a week and see the results . Rule of thumb is choose PPS on weekends when more and more accounts are being bought or at the day when you post more than usual :)


Can somebody please answer me?? Help

I already asked you a question , i guess you missed it. Please see my question.

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