– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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I'm with PPS-fixed plan. After I reached my 17th sale this week, my earnings were counted 13$ each, it is not according to PPS-fix plan. So, I guess this is your extra bonus for me? The actually earnings from PPS-fixed plan (if sales are more than 7 per week) will not be shown in statistics, right (still it will show 10$ each sale?)? But when you pay me, you will calculate the actually amount and sent it to me, right?
Hi Hish and Jake

I am getting this error everytime I remote upload a file from wupload even if I am a premium member.


You should try again later, it works fine for me right now. Besides, make sure your login name is Email format.
There are cheating in count downloads here or not ?? i want try this filehost .

I'm working with Filesonic for a few months now,
I can't say that I found cheating.

There are rules (For example: downloading you own files don't count / Premium users counted one a day...),
but not cheating.
They pay each Tuesday for the total earnings from previous Saturday to Friday. But it seems that when it comes to PPS-fixed plan, a week is defined as from Monday to Sunday?
Here are 2 tickets that I saved in my history:

and another one (the first one that I submited immediate after my account was stolen) is No:

Thanks Hish, it is very kind from you for helping me,



Hi Biserb

Just to let you know that you are supposed to fill an affiliate ticket... You filled a "premium" one!

For next time, if you need affiliate support, please fill an "affiliate" one

You also received an answer from Alex... He was willing to help you, but you never replied to him!

Here is what he said :

if you can provide me with the payment id on this account then I can have the account switched back to your settings.

Thank you,
FileSonic Helpdesk

Sep-28 2011 20:11"

We need the payment ID

hi hish why do you ignore my posts? i need your help.this is my 3rd day my ip is blocked.i've submitted a ticket and they replied :
If your IP has been blocked for suspiscious activity, this should only be a temporary block and should be lifted within 24 hours. Please make sure you are entering your login details correctly, and in particular, that it is correctly entered into any download manager you are using. If the problem persists longer than 48 hours, please reply with the complete IP message you are getting so that we can investigate.

What is complete ip massage ?? it passed 48 hours and i cant connect sth please
hi hish why do you ignore my posts? i need your help.this is my 3rd day my ip is blocked.i've submitted a ticket and they replied :
If your IP has been blocked for suspiscious activity, this should only be a temporary block and should be lifted within 24 hours. Please make sure you are entering your login details correctly, and in particular, that it is correctly entered into any download manager you are using. If the problem persists longer than 48 hours, please reply with the complete IP message you are getting so that we can investigate.

What is complete ip massage ?? it passed 48 hours and i cant connect sth please


What is your IP address?



The IP was unbanned yesterday... it got banned again

There is one user having multiple failed logins .. I will try to contact him, because he can keep the IP address getting banned ...And it will be permanent then

Hish, You pay each Tuesday for the total earnings from previous Saturday to Friday. But it seems that when it comes to PPS-fixed plan, a week is defined as from Monday to Sunday not from Saturday to Friday? e.g.: If 7 sales were generated from the previous Monday to Sunday (NOT previous Saturday to Friday!!!? Because that's not how you define 'a week' in PPS-fixed plan, is it true?), then next Monday to Sunday (NOT next Saturday to Friday!!!?), each sale worths 11$?

AND PLEASE EXPLAIN why only one sale on Oct. 2nd was counted as 13$ and the rest six sales were counted only 10$ each? (According to PPS-fixed plan, sales generated on the same day can only be counted by the same standard, so it should either be 13$ each sale or 10$ each sale. Sales on the same day that were calculated differently were unexplainable according to your PPS-fixed plan!)


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i think its taken at 23:59:59 or sometimes, cause normally it must be 70$ instead of 73
and 13$ is your new instead of $10 per sale for 1 WEEK, value according to the new BONUS system.
The IP was unbanned yesterday... it got banned again

There is one user having multiple failed logins .. I will try to contact him, because he can keep the IP address getting banned ...And it will be permanent then

we suffer for the irresponsibility of one
i think its taken at 23:59:59 or sometimes, cause normally it must be 70$ instead of 73
and 13$ is your new instead of $10 per sale for 1 WEEK, value according to the new BONUS system.

Thanks! May be that's the reason. B-) So I guess at PPS-fixed, a week begins from Monday to Sunday instead of from Saturday to Friday? But the weekly pay is what you earn from last Saturday to Friday. It is confusing since 'a week' is defined differently in PPS-fix plan. They should make it clearer. I've calculated my earning wrongly for the past few days due to this misunderstanding, I thought in PPS-fixed plan a week is also from Saturday to Friday (in which case I would have more money now):facepalm:
Can't they make all these clearer to avoid more misunderstanding from the affiliate's end?:facepalm: There is still more to improve here.

I would also like to see more explanations on Elite plan: Can we return to a normal plan after we join the Elite? If so, what are the conditions? Can we request payment in Elite plan instead of receiving it automatically each week? Definitely a lot to be made clear before I want to join Elite. I submitted a request 13 hours ago and still got no response. I don't know how much longer I have to wait. Customer service is definitely worse, less friendly and takes longer here than at Wupload. I look forward to my first payment tomorrow. I hope nothing goes wrong with it.:facepalm:
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I would also like to see more explanations on Elite plan: Can we return to a normal plan after we join the Elite? If so, what are the conditions? Can we request payment in Elite plan instead of receiving it automatically each week? Definitely a lot to be made clear before I want to join Elite.

Yes, you can go back to any basic plan from elite. You should contact filesonic team (ticket would be the best option nowadays) and request change.
You don't neet to request payment for elite - it's automatically, same way as basic one - just the payout minimum is higher - 300$ instead of 15$.
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