FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Being in the IT support business for this many years I fully understand you. Most of the CEOs and directors and senior managers are quite understandable with things. It's just those little people who were given a fur coat and think they own the fucking world, those are the real pain in the ass!

I feel for you, Ricky, and fully understand and respect your decision. In the past I have requested at least half a dozen support requests via Contact Us and you have always reply back within just a few hours (probably because we are in the same time zone :) ), so genuine support request users can go through there no problemo - just as efficient as here.

But I'll continue to lurk here. Those whiners and moaners are quite entertaining and intriguing. :P

Take care!
i recpect ur decesion too ricky .
well , have anyone redeem premium acc from his earnings ?
i tried to do that 2day and received that :
Redeem Premium Account


it stopped at this thing
I think the only ones demanding answers here are those that got their accounts disabled. One would think anyone who feels their accounts were disabled without proper cause would be agitated enough to demand answers when they paid for the account. That is general customer reaction and not something a CS rep should shy away from to be honest.

If people don't get reasonable explanation as to why their accounts got disabled, its bound to make the rest of us nervous who have spent a great deal of money on long term accounts and a great deal of time on uploading files to those accounts. Nobody wants wake up one day to find their 2 year premium account with 10TB of data gone.

I have even heard people saying that those that download over 100gb a day are getting their accounts disabled. It never used to be this way. I hope all this is not true as many of us use RDP here and its just too easy to download 100 gigs in a few hours.
@ Ricky: please don't leave us!
When you decided to open this thread, you should have expected facing different kinds of people, included 'bossy attitude' ones, as you said. Now if you quit, then you are a loser.

More importantly, you are the best support person I have ever known. Because of you, I have upgraded to 1 year premium account (I could have just register n free accounts with n emails PayPal). Your competitors (HF, FS, RS, MU, etc.) would be happy to see this happens.

If people don't get reasonable explanation as to why their accounts got disabled, its bound to make the rest of us nervous who have spent a great deal of money on long term accounts and a great deal of time on uploading files to those accounts. Nobody wants wake up one day to find their 2 year premium account with 10TB of data gone.

That's a good point and a reasonable demand too.

I have even heard people saying that those that download over 100gb a day are getting their accounts disabled. It never used to be this way. I hope all this is not true as many of us use RDP here and its just too easy to download 100 gigs in a few hours.

I haven't tried downloading 100GB/day for Fileserve but for the record I tried many times uploading 100GB/day - my account is still intact. So I think it is safe to say uploading is ok but downloading is an unknown for now.
well its was good while it lasted. Thank you Ricky for good job you have done so far and I hope you will be back.

and you chaters - GTFO, nobody wants you. if you are banned, then move the fuck on!

yeah.. im talking to YOU
I don't think he's gonna leave after all these months. I guess this support thread is one big reason that lot of people started to use Fileserve. Im also one like that. Because I knew if I had a problem Im gonna get a speedy answer.

Today is Sunday. So maybe he's taking a break. Spending time with family, friends. He's a human after all.

So let's wait until tomorrow and see what happens.

Rgd my disabled account: (Username: RaviHRA)
Ricky, I know you can see my earnings. So Im not mad to share my account with someone and lose that daily earning amount.
That's a good point and a reasonable demand too.

I haven't tried downloading 100GB/day for Fileserve but for the record I tried many times uploading 100GB/day - my account is still intact. So I think it is safe to say uploading is ok but downloading is an unknown for now.

Uploading is always a safe bet mate. Every file host wants you to upload as much as possible. It's the download that gets most people into trouble. Well its well known that HF tends to (not always) ban people downloading over 200gb per day on a daily basis but its to be seen whether its the case with FS as well. Hope its not since Ricky always maintained that they don't want to tread the same path as HF.
why some ultrauploaders get banned? probably because fileserve is also a business that wants profit (newsflash*) So its very understandable that when you upload A LOT (10TB and so on) of data and you dont get many premium sales, then filehoster doesnt want to have you as client. It still is filesharing business not filestorage - money comes from premium sales, not storing a lot of data

My account disable,Display "USER DISABLED". RickyFS i want to create new account. plz delete my fileserve account details. i am waiting your reply.

MY fileServe Login User NAME= UMPLATINUM
did you even read what i wrote? its not about you doing something wrong, its about profit. You think they have tons of free storage just for you to have, storage costs money, and you dont bring any money just for holding tons of data. cmon people, think!

unlimited space is only when you bring lots of premium accounts, then upload your ass off if u want ;)

yeah, i agree, it should be clearer and fs should set some limits not just ban whos uploading too much. But filesharing market is too big, and limited storage space dont attract uploaders. so its a dead end :P control what you upload and dont use filehosters just for backupspace - then you should be safe
I agree, Andrew, and I was about to reply the same. I seriously doubt filehosts out there has a clause on their TOA that state that users will be banned for wasting their storage. Bandwidth, maybe. Storage, I don't think so. Alot of businesses do buy their services for just their storage, and nothing else
Like what iTwins some people buy premium and use fileserve just for storage and are not even affilate user so it is really not for the money for the some users..

Well I don't know if Ricky will respond to this but I had an error on some of my files that are been deleted here is the message

  • File not available
  • This file has been deleted by the system due to non-activity
And those files aren't inactive they are downloaded many times already

Already forwarded the issue to the contact us in fileserve hope to have a good response.
Well, if RickyFS has indeed abandoned this thread..... I don't think there's much point in continuing to check it, since from now on it will only be user-based opinions and comments....


Truly sad to see RickyFS leave like this...... :(
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