FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Guys its a sunday, ricky has a life of his own. Sundays are not working days, give the guy a break, he isn't our servant.

No one is talking about the fact that it's Sunday..... it's about the fact that he has decided to leave this forum and this thread.

That was his statement, not ours....

Which is why I was saying it's truly sad to see him leaving the thread.
Well he told me once that he was thinking of quitting support @ WJ, but i guess he'll still be available on DP

If Ricky has really left then i guess this was very much expected, people were pushing things too far, asking the same questions over and over again. I actually joined WJ because of this topic, :(

Its quite sad really
@ all:

So after having a bad night of sleep, and an hour long conversation with my boss about how some human trash on this board and others (hint mauud) talk shit out of their asses more than a burst (a homosexual) lets "go" after a session in a dark alley, I've decided to give it another shot. Not because of the pleas in here (I do thank you for that), but because I do care for most of you and feel I have some responsibility for showing the way of how a real company (read: not some $128 script, plugged-n-played and operated from a cold dorm room with a 1000 dollar budget for bandwidth) operates and can care for its users at the same time.

Not only is mauud a piece of shit human being who has no idea what he's talking about, but I reckon he should just dust off to another host, e.g. HF and try run his mouth about their customer service, which I would be one of the first to say, I set a new daily agenda for others and started a trend of "public support", not seen in this industry. Why I'm pointing this piece of shit human out specifically, is that my skype got blown away with copy and paste of this person from some other board (may ring a bell to you?). I haven't dealt with him, neither wish to, but he's a prime example of a "sport" (irony intended).

I have a passion for this industry and that's why I'll give it another shot - not only do I live and breathe it, but when you get human trash like above mentioned example, then it can set off sparks.

I've helped more than 100 people getting their issues resolved (here and other boards), yet, you will always find those small little trashtalkers (and human debris) affecting the general understanding of how we operate. Yes, we ban people, yes, we have reasons for doing so, yes we aren't perfect right now, and yes we do like our users. Just don't step over that border that reads "we don't condone or negotiate with a 'mob'".

To get one more thing clear: We've never banned people taking up storage. We have people who holds over 20TB of data who hasn't even touched triple digits in payouts.
Ricky, thank you for coming back. I knew you wouldn't bail out on the legit FS customers so easily.

Let the trolls talk, because thats is what they do best, talk bullshit.
Welcome back Ricky ^^
I can't imagine Fileserve without Ricky I switch from Sharingmatrix and Hotfile because of the great support of Ricky ^^..

Ricky I think you need to enlighten us loyal uploaders why some of the users are getting banned... Because you can't blame us loyal uploaders that take us time and effort to build up their files not to worry because of some users are getting banned..
Thanks and more power to Fileserve ^^
Welcome Back Ricky :)

To get one more thing clear: We've never banned people taking up storage. We have people who holds over 20TB of data who hasn't even touched triple digits in payouts.

Thanks for clearing thatone, i was wrong. That was just my view how this should work :P
Im very happy to say that I got my account back.

I remote uploaded lot of data to Rapidshare and all those bandwidth recorded as I used them to download. Ricky found out the problem and unlocked my account right away.

This was his exact words:
"it was a mistaken identity for an RL from RS' receiving server"

He said it is OK to remote upload FS to RS any amount, but be careful when you download directly from Fileserve.

Thanks a lot Ricky for resolving my issue in ONE DAY.
If you knew how many earners we have compared to how many are getting disabled you'd be baffled by the numbers and just laugh thinking "wtf ?" ...

Here are possible reasons:
1. Repetitive abuse of service.
2. Self-referrals
3. Running a service.
4. Getting "hacked" (phished) so many times that I'm stuck on helping the same person out.
RickyFS, i see in your FAQ that your servers support FXP. Is this enabled by default or should i contact your support department for further instructions?
Fileserve = Best atm , not only for uploaders (rates) but also for downloaders. I havent received any complaints from my downloaders yet.

Ricky, I believe the person(s) who are spamming your skype/inbox only need a final reply / your decision. Ignoring them wont shut them up. Thats my opinion anyway.

Also, I thank you for returning :)
@ Silent.Hunter: I only got about 100 people on my skype who acts as my eyes and ears and report issues to me if they aren't already reported on here / other boards.

@ furious: From a server to our server, FXP is allowed.
RickyFS, Saw the picture, thank you for keep trying to solve the problems of people, friends helped me in a moment and I am grateful.

They also say that I have 2 payments outstanding for more than 45 days, payment and the other from when they know or leave the list.
The current payments are fluid, no problems.
hey ricky , welcome back

a small question :
i use my acc to upload from like 3 diff ip's (Home - Office - Mobile Connection Device)
but i don't download from it none in any Ip .
would that get anyrisk to my acc ?
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