FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ shubhank008: Don't have clearance to do such. That's the fraud dept. doing it.

@ unreal69: Sorry - You didn't get banned for having a leechsite. Got the info wrong. Apologize for that. However, I can tell you that you were banned for self-referral
Ricky :O
I dont have any leech site mate, I explained it just in my first few posts that I downloaded the backup files using RL to upload on HF and that also just 8-9 links, else all are legitimate downloads
Last Word you left so you didnt knew, but it was a fake ss just to boast, I just edited it and was jking and boasting, also that link is for Rapidleech hosting, I think Ricky Meant a leech site whr ppl just download thr own files :|
Well you have done the payout thing for the last couple of months and that is great for me but the new payout system is just too much trouble for us... I hope you will change this...
@ woja: Go here: ...You'll be able to see your earnings. It isn't 20 USD because "My Sites" isn't included for that particular payout. My Sites is a separate payout.

@ shubhank008: Never said you had a leech site - That was directed @ Unreal. You were probably banned for selling a product (for profits) that uses our platform.

@ andrewmacatulad: We will not change it.

@ chris hoppus: No it is allowed. Leechsite = public sites offering membership to download all you want at the expense of a service provider (us for example)

@ F4nBoy: We could also go down to $15/1000 and limited countries with copper, silver, gold, platinum status, but nobody wants that right?
@shubhank008 my Heart says you should unbanned.
& Ricky it is request to you Just give him 1 warning and unban him nothing else.
Then as you wish because you know better what you should do and i know you already have take decision.

Oho I read that Ricky then its ok :P
Ricky please do process my case fast :( Have already lost 24 hrs time, no uploads, no downloads, loss of rep and rank as well
Also Ricky, I replied the email related to that day before yesterday and stated the reason and stuff

Just checked to see if my "transfer to payout account" had been approved yet or not.... still hasn't. And it shows the request date September 18th, which means 2 days ago (48 hours)....


Can you check to see what's wrong?? I wanna be able to request payout, but it's been 2 days, according to the date on the request, and the transfer to payout account still hasn't been processed, which means I still can't request the actual payout....

Please check to see if there is something wrong in my account with the approval process.

Also, Ricky, I've sent you a PM as well. Please reply, as soon as you can, ok??
Are we working on minutes now - Wait till tomorrow? Mass payment hasn't even happened. Relax. Why should there be something wrong? Tell me how many payments you've had so far from us...?

But didn't you say it was 48 hours to approve "transfer to payout account"......?

Some people got approved on saturday - aka Weekend - so..... that's why i'm asking if there's something wrong.... :(
PPL relax he sad from 24 to 48.
They have many payouts. They are not robots. Wait a while for you payout. DOH
It`s monday. Reconsider that there is sth like TIME ZONES ?
Jeez... People just don't appreciate answers nowadays - taking this service for granted?
Would it be better to just do an HF and let the course ride on its own? Then I can get back to developing with the rest of the team and we will just eradicate the customer service.

@ subshank008: I could also just choose to ignore and let you roam about in a limbo not knowing what will happen.
Stop Blaming Or Flaming Or Iritating RickyFS He Can't Even More Reply To Your All Dumb Questions You Get Your Answers In You Know About Payout Time And Everything Why Fuc*ing He's Brain? WTF!
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