- Earn $40 / 1000 downloads! All countries paid! (Official Thread)

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filejunglegreg, if some one report one of my folders as DMCA, ¿you delete only the contained files or delete the contained files and the folder?

-wupload only delete the files (great)
-fileserve and uploadstation delete both, the files and the folder (sucks)
-¿what do you do?

in other words: ¿you delete the folders for any reazon?

i am waiting for your answer soon, i cant make my posts in forums without your answer about this first...
When I first signed up with JF it was quite fast but now is a lot slower.

Is it possible to add a status bar to uploads?

We are looking into this, speed/percentage are options we may add so you guys can monitor upload progress.

Time off for so long, Japan is still in the C group:facepalm:

Read below.

guh, I just noticed, the upload speed is 80% slower, what happened?

We haven't changed anything so the if you are experiencing slow speeds it is not because of something we have done. What method were you using for uploading? What locations?

Please don't continually spam the thread with requests to put Japan into group B, I have already noted this down ages ago and if we decide to move countries between groups this will be considered.

All private messages are being responded to now.
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For me everything changed last Friday.3 upload, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Monday, Tuesday, an upload every 12hrs, 14hrs ...
Today did not go up anything so far. Upload Megaupload. Loc Brazil
Upload it was very fast. Now very slow :(
I do not understand this sudden change if you changed nothing.
7up - We had problems as you know and maintenance was carried out to resolve the ru issues we had. During this period you may have noticed slower uploads of the time in between an upload completing and the links being generated may have been slower than usual. Keep uploading and let me know of any problems you are still facing, also where are you uploading from? brazil? ru or ftp?
The problem is worse today because it did not go up anything.
Remote upload - Megaupload
Location: Brazil

Edit. His hosting was very well accepted here, but must have a continuity.
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