- Daily payment PPD up to $5/1000 downloads, no limit speed, support WMZ

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no e-mails ever arrive... now I have problem with security lock e-mail.


Any problem need quick fix, kindly add Skype:Alexwarrior001,
Post here with no bug description makes us hard to help you, thanks for the understanding~~


Added after 1:

All payment by now is paid out, happy uploading guys!
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Lol, a host with main income from Google Adsense (And he confirms it proudly), server4you dedicated servers for network (Dirty cheap), XFS script with pre-made template and LOT of bugs, i can resume all this in one word: UNPROFESSIONAL.

Good luck boys, this host will be down in less than 6 months (With this business pattern)
Lol, a host with main income from Google Adsense (And he confirms it proudly), server4you dedicated servers for network (Dirty cheap), XFS script with pre-made template and LOT of bugs, i can resume all this in one word: UNPROFESSIONAL.

Good luck boys, this host will be down in less than 6 months (With this business pattern)

As I said, they will close soon :facepalm: like Anysend, UploadSat
I think host owner may be UploadSat, FilesFrog who got banned here
Lol, a host with main income from Google Adsense (And he confirms it proudly), server4you dedicated servers for network (Dirty cheap), XFS script with pre-made template and LOT of bugs, i can resume all this in one word: UNPROFESSIONAL.

Good luck boys, this host will be down in less than 6 months (With this business pattern)


Thanks for your reply, can give me a clear look into our project, and it's damn true that there were some bugs happens before, and I think still will be in the future, we can not promise that.
But what we do is to build it up from nothing, and day by day with good support, quick fix when bug happens,
and most importantly, payments always in time.
We will also try to produce more income schedule in future through growing, and this is long journey for, we will improve on the way.

Also we welcome good and bad comments, and we welcome u to and give us a try.


Added after 2 minutes:

Lol, a host with main income from Google Adsense (And he confirms it proudly), server4you dedicated servers for network (Dirty cheap), XFS script with pre-made template and LOT of bugs, i can resume all this in one word: UNPROFESSIONAL.

Good luck boys, this host will be down in less than 6 months (With this business pattern)

As I said, they will close soon :facepalm: like Anysend, UploadSat
I think host owner may be UploadSat, FilesFrog who got banned here

Hey there,

Thanks again for your reply,
I have to promise here that we are not scam, and we definitely is not owner of UploadSat or FilesFrog or other file sharing site.
Also we have plans all the way, and I understand all of your concern, will try to make it better and more complete all the way to our goals.

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Don't throw dirt without anything to back it up with.

I'm giving them a chance. They count 100% and I'm sure they pay, too.

Hey there,

Thank you very much for your support in us, and like you said, we will be better and better,
we are still young in WJ(only 1 month), and it's painful for the growing,
and again, we are aiming at least 5 years' project.
Hope you enjoy our program now.


Added after 1:

Hi All,

All payments request till now is paid, kindly check,
enjoy uploading!!!

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You don't reply to my PM so I have to write here so everyone knows...
You counted my United Kingdom traffic as last tier (0.002$) not how you've written in your tiers - UK 1st tier 0.005$
I've sent you proof pic and you've seen it I know but no reply or fix...

Scam host cheating workers?

Edit: and some U.S. traffic is constantly not counted (0.000$)...
Will provide screenshot proofs later...

Very angry atm.

This was yesterday:

And this is today (same deal):

Are you really cheating and tricky and I have to yet again start to look for some other host?

I won't give you traffic & upload anything else until you reply and fix this. That's a promise.
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Do you pay by payza now? btw thanks for your 2 payments instantly on paypal :)


Hey there,

Payza is still pending at this moment, we were planning to announce new plans and some new policies last week together with Webmoney or payza supported, but since these 2 payment method is insanely to apply and approve, we have to delay our plans to maybe some day in the following week.
Till that time, we will still using paypal for your payments, which I think will need around 15 days. Thanks for your continually support in,
and again, we will be better and better for you guys.


Added after 1 3 minutes:

You don't reply to my PM so I have to write here so everyone knows...
You counted my United Kingdom traffic as last tier (0.002$) not how you've written in your tiers - UK 1st tier 0.005$
I've sent you proof pic and you've seen it I know but no reply or fix...

Scam host cheating workers?

Edit: and some U.S. traffic is constantly not counted (0.000$)...
Will provide screenshot proofs later...

Very angry atm.

Hey anurr,

Thank you for your patient and as I said in the reply PM to you just now, we are sorry that we may not be able to reply to your message instantly in WJ, It's fine you put here for your problem, and now I see your comment here, hope the following statement you can understand.
Before you look into it, I hope you know that there is no single one unresolved payment issue in thread, so it's better to wait for few minutes and wait for us to reply your PM. Don't be angry so early, not good for you and your body bro. :P

And again, we never cheat or shaving traffics. We promise that again and again in WJ, just hope someday the continually uploaders in can post some payment and income prove here for you guys to check out.
Following is the final research from us, you can check it out.
For US traffic.
For your selected IP and the download time which don't have earning situation, it's because there are 10 times downloads in the last 24 hours for this IP. Prove picture as follow.
And take note that these downloads, some is also downloading other users' files, which rarely happened in file sharing site, hope you know what I mean.


For UK traffic.
It's almost the same situation as US IP, there is 25 downloads for you selected IP in the past downloads, because we count to 10 times for last 24 hours, which is 0.05 USD, only difference is, in the UK traffic case, the download files is all from you, so it's divided in to 25 times which shows 0.002 per download.


I hope these can answer your problem well and can help you to reconsider about our service in
Again, I thank you for your time and effect to post it in the thread, means a lot to me and other uploaders.

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Umm, I don't understand those screenshots at all..

First of all, on the U.S. screenshot those odd IM00... zips aren't mine, and judging by their name, it's not something my downloader is even interested in, but sure, I can show him that screenshot and ask.

Regardless though if he did download allegedly other user's files, why do I have to suffer?

This system appears very tricky honestly. You're basically saying that 10 downloads per IP count if and only if that user doesn't download something else from your host. You should clarify this in your original post.

As for GB... I can't understand that either.

Are you saying that because all are my files, it somehow overturns the 10 downloads per IP rule and EVERYTHING is counted just at 0.002 rate? Yet again something you should clarify in the OP.

And I don't understand this 25. Are you counting 25 for both days? Because for this current day it's exactly 10 (it's easy to observe for me because I rar'ed my files in bulks of 10) and yet it's only 0.002 for each
download, not 0.005 as it should.

Very tricky stuff.

Edit: I'm having gradually more downloads per day and more 0.000$ in report.... Figured, even small cents are shaved.
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Thank You Very Much For You Reply Man :)


If you already registered with us, I will email to you once there is some major updates in, so don't worry about u missing any.
happy uploading!!!


Added after 26 minutes:

Umm, I don't understand those screenshots at all..

First of all, on the U.S. screenshot those odd IM00... zips aren't mine, and judging by their name, it's not something my downloader is even interested in, but sure, I can show him that screenshot and ask.

Regardless though if he did download allegedly other user's files, why do I have to suffer?

This system appears very tricky honestly. You're basically saying that 10 downloads per IP count if and only if that user doesn't download something else from your host. You should clarify this in your original post.

As for GB... I can't understand that either.

Are you saying that because all are my files, it somehow overturns the 10 downloads per IP rule and EVERYTHING is counted just at 0.002 rate? Yet again something you should clarify in the OP.

And I don't understand this 25. Are you counting 25 for both days? Because for this current day it's exactly 10 (it's easy to observe for me because I rar'ed my files in bulks of 10) and yet it's only 0.002 for each
download, not 0.005 as it should.

Very tricky stuff.

Edit: I'm having gradually more downloads per day and more 0.000$ in report.... Figured, even small cents are shaved.

We count up to 10 downloads per ip/24 hours, that is the base line. And for your case, it is also running good, because your referral IP downloader come and download other resource, that will also counts IP downloads +1.
Also it is something not happening normally that your IP downloading other users' resource, which we will do more research in it.

For the rules, it means we count up to 10 times per ip, and that is for tier 1 IP. So if your ip is tier 2 or lower, we will count your earning to the same amount of 10 times for tier 2, which means will pay you up to 0.05 usd. For the numbers is only showing the average earning for that IP.

Also, again same from your last question, we are not shaving any, there are stable uploaders in getting paid every day, and no complain from them at all, hope you can find us more reliable first. We also hope you can enjoy the uploading here, truely.

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"We count up to 10 downloads per ip/24 hours, that is the base line. And for your case, it is also running good, because your referral IP downloader come and download other resource, that will also counts IP downloads +1.
Also it is something not happening normally that your IP downloading other users' resource, which we will do more research in it."

Those files weren't downloaded by my "referral IP downloader" (not that I even have any refs atm :D), your site isn't even known with the crowd that frequents my site. So I find it very hard to believe that whilst perusing
my files, he suddenly - out of nowhere - found someone else's file, provocatively entitled "" and started to download this urgently. Furthermore, I'm fairly certain that wasn't even his IP (I do have IPs logged in
WP, ya know), but I can't confirm that 100% because I do have other U.S. downloaders. But I'll make a comment with your picture and ask if someone of them indeed downloaded those odd files. Should be fun to read the replies
and come back here. It truly was a miscalculation in your part to put obvious porn titles amongst my files. Warez downloading crowd and porn crowd doesn't mix :D

"For the rules, it means we count up to 10 times per ip, and that is for tier 1 IP. So if your ip is tier 2 or lower, we will count your earning to the same amount of 10 times for tier 2, which means will pay you up to 0.05 usd. For the numbers is only showing the average earning for that IP."

Most my IPs so far have all been Tier 1 with the exception of downloaders from EU (what's that about?) and HU. But I understand why those can be/are 0.002 per pop. But everything else has been US and GB and what you're doing
is decreasing U.S. earnings (making a lot of them 0.000) and cutting all - all - the GB earnings half (0.005 / 2 = ~0.0025 (rounded downward :D).

"Also, again same from your last question, we are not shaving any, there are stable uploaders in getting paid every day, and no complain from them at all, hope you can find us more reliable first. We also hope you can enjoy the uploading here, truely."

Didn't you, in this same thread, claim that you're been in business a month only? Hence, stable is a quite relative term, but of course, I wouldn't put it past you. It can very well be.

But my first impressions aren't good, unfortunately. There has been hints in this thread about your ties with UploadSat. While I don't really give them credit (then again, who knows), that site at least counted every single download
even if the rates were shite.

You're trying to make a buck out of less-than-marginal earnings, cents that no one in their right mind even dares to refer to as cents.

But it's fine, you know. I'll keep going some more and report back what I see. And I'll also take an open question to my downloaders as to who downloaded the controversial "".

But we both know the answer to that one now, don't we?

Edit: A final nugget to chew on. Quite honestly, it's the first ever time I hear that when a user downloads files from two different users on the SAME filehost, the earnings of one of the uploader's suffer as a result. Man, you must be scared for your business when that gets out, mustn't you? I mean, by that logic, the less uploaders you have and the less popular your site is, the better, right? Oh boy, you're
spouting such gold that would even make Uploaded proud.
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"We count up to 10 downloads per ip/24 hours, that is the base line. And for your case, it is also running good, because your referral IP downloader come and download other resource, that will also counts IP downloads +1.
Also it is something not happening normally that your IP downloading other users' resource, which we will do more research in it."

Those files weren't downloaded by my "referral IP downloader" (not that I even have any refs atm :D), your site isn't even known with the crowd that frequents my site. So I find it very hard to believe that whilst perusing
my files, he suddenly - out of nowhere - found someone else's file, provocatively entitled "" and started to download this urgently. Furthermore, I'm fairly certain that wasn't even his IP (I do have IPs logged in
WP, ya know), but I can't confirm that 100% because I do have other U.S. downloaders. But I'll make a comment with your picture and ask if someone of them indeed downloaded those odd files. Should be fun to read the replies
and come back here. It truly was a miscalculation in your part to put obvious porn titles amongst my files. Warez downloading crowd and porn crowd doesn't mix :D

"For the rules, it means we count up to 10 times per ip, and that is for tier 1 IP. So if your ip is tier 2 or lower, we will count your earning to the same amount of 10 times for tier 2, which means will pay you up to 0.05 usd. For the numbers is only showing the average earning for that IP."

Most my IPs so far have all been Tier 1 with the exception of downloaders from EU (what's that about?) and HU. But I understand why those can be/are 0.002 per pop. But everything else has been US and GB and what you're doing
is decreasing U.S. earnings (making a lot of them 0.000) and cutting all - all - the GB earnings half (0.005 / 2 = ~0.0025 (rounded downward :D).

"Also, again same from your last question, we are not shaving any, there are stable uploaders in getting paid every day, and no complain from them at all, hope you can find us more reliable first. We also hope you can enjoy the uploading here, truely."

Didn't you, in this same thread, claim that you're been in business a month only? Hence, stable is a quite relative term, but of course, I wouldn't put it past you. It can very well be.

But my first impressions aren't good, unfortunately. There has been hints in this thread about your ties with UploadSat. While I don't really give them credit (then again, who knows), that site at least counted every single download
even if the rates were shite.

You're trying to make a buck out of less-than-marginal earnings, cents that no one in their right mind even dares to refer to as cents.

But it's fine, you know. I'll keep going some more and report back what I see. And I'll also take an open question to my downloaders as to who downloaded the controversial "".

But we both know the answer to that one now, don't we?

Edit: A final nugget to chew on. Quite honestly, it's the first ever time I hear that when a user downloads files from two different users on the SAME filehost, the earnings of one of the uploader's suffer as a result. Man, you must be scared for your business when that gets out, mustn't you? I mean, by that logic, the less uploaders you have and the less popular your site is, the better, right? Oh boy, you're
spouting such gold that would even make Uploaded proud.

Hi Anurr,

If the file name is not your files's name, then that is some one else's files;
You are true, normally your traffic downloading other uploaders' files won't happen, but in your case, it happened.
Thanks for your follow on this issue, as all in the post screen shots above and all the words that explained, I think for most of new uploaders or pending uploaders could have some thinking on this.
And I can only promise that all the screenshots is real data and all the words I explained is what I meant.
Thank you for your support and feedback in WJ.

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