Excellent Moderation!

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lol i've been trying not to reply, but god damn it look at yall the haters, the dude haz helped a lot around here, had it enough with a member, banned him and yall jumped in hatin? oh well, what u gonna do with the cheeps, one starts and the rest follows :/
AFAIK Elio is a great moderator yeah sometimes people get do banned fast from the SB or for that things that people thing are stupid thing BUT when Elio has banned someone like that is because that person has been doing the same thing over and over again!!

Regarding the .Mac case how does someone fights to .Mac be unbanned when he keeps being SB banned every single day? I mean that guy is a troll!

So IMHO has done a good job as Mod!
First of all I thought of not replying here, but had to.

So guys stop it already. Elio is a good guy and I respect his moderation.
No one can judge like this or that. Its always an admins decission to decide what is right or what is wrong.

We cant flame like this for a particular person, if you have some issues or something then PM an admin and let them know, so they can look around the matter and guide you further.

Oh cummon he did a lot of work for WJunction, I remember he used to joke around with us when he was a respected member over here. But you all know after getting a rank or promotion people get more responsibilities and work and for that people get frustrated.

Just think wisely keeping yourself in his position, that don't you feel like getting pissed of all the time by facing the same craps everyday. Reading stupid replies all over the thread and moderating them. We all know its a hard job and we cannot deny that Elio isnt online all the time, so most of the moderation is done by him as far as I know.

So guys keep it cool and if you think anything is unfair then use the PM option to admins who are the boss's of the site.

By the way Elio you really must keep a limit of what you are saying and what you do, I mean your the global moderator here and you represent the site in some means to the new members also.


PS : Might sound strange for supporting Elio, but the truth is I realised it thats why I am saying it honestly. Ya I have also faced something same but it isnt like trolling.(Solved it personally)
Flames I am not pointing you dear so dont mind please.

Anyways E for the win.
Why can't we have rules that are easy to understand/comprehend, remember, stick with and follow, mmm... as easily as, well... a fish which can swim even in the sleep? It doesn't forget that it has to swim all its life and which wing to flutter first and the like; so easy, so robust, so uncluttered and unconfused.

elio doing a good job, but some time he speak some racist things, which i don't like, and if you are mod first follow the rules your self, then say anything to other's.

not everyone is a lonely fuck like you dude :| some people dont let the internet affect their real life its all lulz and giggles thats why im keeping this open u know =D

im not lonely lol i speak to people every single day over the phone and go out when ever i like (like this morning i went out to help storming but who cares)

not everyone is a lonely fuck like you dude :| some people dont let the internet affect their real life its all lulz and giggles thats why im keeping this open u know =D

lol your on the net like 24 hours a day stop calling other people lonely fucks. I think your a loner with no life end off/ last comment on this thread

now get your shiny knife and cut yourself peace
You kids have no life. It's a fucking forum and you get so rowdy over something that doesn't concern 99% of you. Also, lmao at everyone taking WJ so serious as if it's their life.
im not lonely lol i speak to people every single day over the phone and go out when ever i like (like this morning i went out to help storming but who cares)


well if ur telling me to take holidays just because of some meaningless net drama then it means u do let the net control ur real life

@ haxor , only ~7-8h day since i make living off the net ;) at least i dont go around like u gossiping abt leet people u lame emo kid :)) go cry some more
110 replies roughly later & nothing really good has come out of this thread.

Now Elio I don't flame you, I joke. Isnt that what you call it? Like my preference on games you made fun of, so you can give it but cant take it?

Now saying people have no lives and stuff really shows your maturity.
You kids have no life. It's a fucking forum and you get so rowdy over something that doesn't concern 99% of you. Also, lmao at everyone taking WJ so serious as if it's their life.

Ya just move around with your work guys.
I agree with you phamous (y)

WJ has become a school like someone pulled the 10 year old kids hairs and she went to complain the teacher.
I realised it that behaving like kids isnt gonna earn you anything.
Just move on with your websites, prove yourself a webmaster in a webmaster forum guys.
This site is a hangout site not a kindergarden :P
well if ur telling me to take holidays just because of some meaningless net drama then it means u do let the net control ur real life

@ haxor , only ~7-8h day since i make living off the net ;) at least i dont go around like u gossiping abt leet people u lame emo kid :)) go cry some more

o.o gossiping about leet people whom might that be/ calling me an emo kid lol ( i care to much about my life) and lol 7-8 hours thats long man lol you seriously dont have a life. Il advice you to get out explore some new places.

your backyard might be start and im not trying to flame you by purpose but if you start flaming others you might want to spot your faults

Its the net man stop being an arse lol and stop dedicating so much time and get yourself a gf

Im off take care hope you see the light
Ive been reading through this thread and I must say some people have some valid points. (Elio included ;))

I'm gonna be the "professional" one in this thread and say: "The next person that insults/curses or offends in any way will receive an infraction."

You are all allowed to state your opinion, both members and staff, but keep it decent.

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