Edoc.com - up to 10€/1000 downloads[japan A] + 25% sale

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61€ pending to receive the next 15th may, I received 25 euros last 14th April and now I am on 16€ that I will request before reaching 13th May.
The site is very good.
you guys have also problems with remote uploads?
most of the time it will freeze at 0% and sometimes while uploaing really really slow it will stuck after some percentage -.-
they really need to fix that, i like this hoster a lot, but that problem is just annoying -.-
sometimes they are facing some servers problems.
I mainly use the flash upload option and I rarely get upload problem with this method. So maybe that's an advice which could be helpfull :)
Please!! SPAIN is like FRANCE!! GROUP A please!!! Like Rapidgator!!

That really surprised me too and welcomed me to see France among group A for some hosts sites. Are we such good customers ? :D
France is not on group A for all host files sites but I hope it will.
stats counting correctly..?? and wat abt weekly payments..??

Depending of your file size man. If you got 300 dl for a file of 5 mb and you got only 0.9 euros, it's perfectly normal. Personnaly, my stats are normal and they are updated continously. No problem with this.

Now payment: they didn't make weekly payout. Edoc pays approximatelly each 15 days or more.
For exemple, they payed me today 86 euros that they were supposed to pay me the 15th May. And now, if I request a payout, I will receive it only the 4th June.
So they have a cycle program and they almost tell you when you gonna be payed contrary to others silent sites.
are you going to receive the payment 15 days after the request or there's a definite date (twice a month) that you'll be able to receive your money?

for ex: if i requested my money on May 30, is this possible to receive it by june 4 as stated in the payment section of the site.

or if i requested it on May 30, should i wait for 15 days which is june 14 to receive my money? can someone clarify it? thanks
are you going to receive the payment 15 days after the request or there's a definite date (twice a month) that you'll be able to receive your money?

for ex: if i requested my money on May 30, is this possible to receive it by june 4 as stated in the payment section of the site.

or if i requested it on May 30, should i wait for 15 days which is june 14 to receive my money? can someone clarify it? thanks

i think because they already clarify "Payments are sent twice a month"

means they have a fixed date! so i think if you request your money before june 4th you'll receive them at the 4th...

this method was used by easy-share long time ago
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