2 days no work please check.
I forgot the 2Factor code, what should I do?
I contacted via email support, please help me.
Can you come on skype for what my important file from server deleted??
8 TB data lost, someone deleted all my files. Pls reply in skype
#523|05|2018 - 15 hours ago Invoice #447 already paid buy rdp, nothing what happend?
Is downloading torrent and upload to cloud allowed using zoom?
Your Website sucks, i cant order or create an Account. "Weak PW" is the Reason ... even when i use this: 9hpZYnRxgqdGpJu <<<< this is to weak for you?? I have to search another Provider, sorry.
3 days freeze Black Screen. And now account disabled wdf?
I am using CoinRDP's 10 GBps RDP last 7-9 Months.I am first member who ordered first in the 10 GBPS.
Never had problem with data loss.He always given Script File to change password to every users disk.
I am using rdp 4-5 years i have seen many other RDP providers they even not provide Password change Script file.
You have to change the password.Rox always told to change password.Its your Fault.
Why are you blaming him?
waiting for reactivation. kindly check my PM @Rox
Can I get a demo please. PM me, I will be willing to buy if the test is good.Thanks a lot