- 2 x Intel E5620 / E5-2650, 64GB RAM, Regular, Encoding, 2 & 10Gbps (NL)

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one of the finest rdp provider in wjunction using it for more than 6 month :)
hope rox get full ssd rdp (not just OS) in cheap price as ssd hostings are lowering these days.
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I just want to give all users and interested persons a second feedback after using this service for more than a year.

1. Support tickets and and skype messages are answered within 1 min upto 4 hrs. So a very nice respond time.
2. The server works perfectly. Only about two crashes the last year. Compared to others services a big plus, because other servers restart every one or two days and your work could be interrupted in the middle of it.
Users which are abusing the server will get warned and will get a second chance. If they go on abusing they will be banned. That's nescessary and a big pro - Rox does care about the service compared to other RDP services which are like wild wild west.
4. The server is realy able to use the full 10Gbps. Not only for a short period, you can use it over hrs without any problem.
5. Go on like that - a high quality service for an adjusted price!

:sun_with_face: :thumbsup:
They provide good service. I've been with them for months now with no issues whatsoever, or at least they provide a far better RDP than others since no one's overusing the resources.
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Hello Rox,

The IDM integration is not working with any browser on my RDP account I just bought , it get to be fixed because I work using it and my is totally depend on IDM downloading because its a fast working thing

That is what I paid for 13$

If you can't help me , refund please its not easy to pay 13$ for few hours :(


Issue resolved.
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