- High speeds & High rates - Official Support Thread

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bofh > sorry for that. We worked on the code yesterday and we made a little error that we later corrected, that's why. It won't happen again.

_DeviL > Sorry not possible for the moment but maybe in a very near future ! I will update you when it happens

mazzo > We will upgrade that as soon as possible (we have to expand our servers capacities even more)
for me its working fine its a very good site.

Added after 1 4 minutes:

god bless you my sir, just now i got the money. thank you very very much sir.
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ps2gameman > That's not possible. We currently have more than 3000 accounts uploading files and no one has ever experienced that. If you upload via your web browser you should try with another one.
ps2gameman > That's really strange. If you haven't share the link = no possibility of DMCA removal request = we don't delete the file. Can you PM me the files' URL so I can investigate ? Thanks ! :)
and also i got a email from you saying files deleted and those files i dident share the link for yet someone is doing a cleaning spree

on your site

i suggest you to look into this if over peoples files go missing they wount be happy
lolz 2 GB/Day for downloaders !!!

decrease download speed to 1 MB and increase amount for download traffic to 7 GB !

mazzo > We will upgrade that as soon as possible (we have to expand our servers capacities even more)
Hope you wont take this path, assure your premium clients first to pay the bills, then try to get a higher quote of market offering better speeds & bandwidth to freebies.

I´ve seen many OPs following Wjunction users noobie instructions and because of that many filehosters death by spammers, overloaded servers and derivates...

Current terms are good, speeds are superb (750KB/s) bandwidth is enough (3GB/Day or change IP reloading router or pay 4 premium) and the most important Re-Captcha is OFF (Solvemedia is really more friendly and users wont reject you)
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still the file manager is not fixed i havent seen no files in my account what i uploaded yesterday last time i saw files in my account

was 2 days ago why is brutalshare hideing the files
yep it be very hard to reach minimum payout this site was simiular to wizzupload and what happend they did a runner

and payout should be lowerd for first couple of months to prove brutalshare isent going to do a runner

or if brutalshare wount lower the payout increase the ppd for first 2 months pay us 3p for a 1gb file not 1p
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ps2 they are definately not like Wizz wizz was only 1 month old this site has been running since last yar i heard about this site in oct 2012 and they still haven't closed it down :P

Everything is awesome good up speed , download speed is epic rates are pretty good they only thing that bugs me 3gb/day BW should be at least 5gb but alls good :) oh and brutulshare do read the email i sent u.
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