Xerver stop counting ... Anyone get same problem?
Please check, Rory...
Yes, Stats not working from 2-3 hours ago.
Xerver stop counting ... Anyone get same problem?
Please check, Rory...
Xerver stop counting ... Anyone get same problem?
Please check, Rory...
Yes, Stats not working from 2-3 hours ago.
Please reply to my PM, it's very urgent.
I need to sleep for a few hours but I hope the CC denied issue becomes solved meanwhile. Then can I give go-ahead to my user when I return.
Or else you'll scare all your potential clients away for good.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
Hi Anurr, there are no problems with the gateway. Your clients need to enter a One Time Pin that is sent to them so that we can verify the purchase, we use Verified by Visa and mastercard secure code. So if your users are having a problem purchasing, it means that they are not the card owner.
We are not limiting free users speed, it is still 150Kbps, so if your earnings are dropping, its because of the repeat visits. We do not earn from repeat users, our advertisers pay us for each Unique visit/click/impression.
in first topic says 120Kbps
We increased the speed.
why you no allow z-o-o-m or ftp?
We do not have control over 3rd party plugins, you are welcome to contact the developers of zoom and ask them to add us.
Also, FTP is something we will look at adding in the future. For now, why dont you use our Desktop File Manager to upload?
any news about moving france to Group A
Hi Anurr, there are no problems with the gateway. Your clients need to enter a One Time Pin that is sent to them so that we can verify the purchase, we use Verified by Visa and mastercard secure code. So if your users are having a problem purchasing, it means that they are not the card owner.
We are not limiting free users speed, it is still 150Kbps, so if your earnings are dropping, its because of the repeat visits. We do not earn from repeat users, our advertisers pay us for each Unique visit/click/impression.
in first topic says 120Kbps
We increased the speed.
why you no allow z-o-o-m or ftp?
We do not have control over 3rd party plugins, you are welcome to contact the developers of zoom and ask them to add us.
Also, FTP is something we will look at adding in the future. For now, why dont you use our Desktop File Manager to upload?
Well, I'm going to forward your response to my user and see what he replies.
However, I kind of feel you just lost a sale due to this.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
Pls upgrade premium user: javbiz
Thanks !
@ xerver
today u deleted some of my earnings...
may i know why ?
pls check username : coolguy
check overall stats and my account balance varying
also stats not working ....day by day earnings decreasing
i'm very disappointed
Sorry, but this just isn't normal. For days now I only get 3-4 download earning counted, everything else is 0.000.
Below there are even several countries which I know are unique visitors based on prior logs (like LG), but still, all is 0.000.
You know, I have supported you thoroughly so far, but even I do have my limits. This issue together with user unable to purchase premium, I don't know ...
@ xerver
today u deleted some of my earnings...
may i know why ?
pls check username : coolguy
check overall stats and my account balance varying
also stats not working ....day by day earnings decreasing
i'm very disappointed
@ xerver
r u there ??
why u skip my comment ?
its not fair....pls add my earnings.......
Sorry, but this just isn't normal. For days now I only get 3-4 download earning counted, everything else is 0.000.
Below there are even several countries which I know are unique visitors based on prior logs (like LG), but still, all is 0.000.
You know, I have supported you thoroughly so far, but even I do have my limits. This issue together with user unable to purchase premium, I don't know ...
@ xerver
yes....pls check
My Ticket ID is 0000132