Sorry, but this just isn't normal. For days now I only get 3-4 download earning counted, everything else is 0.000.
Below there are even several countries which I know are unique visitors based on prior logs (like LG), but still, all is 0.000.
You know, I have supported you thoroughly so far, but even I do have my limits. This issue together with user unable to purchase premium, I don't know ...
upload and make a lots of mirror almost 10 then put your links in linkcrypt and finally with linkbucks
work for me.
Yeah, they are all most likely debrid downloads as no-one in my dl scene even uses Xerver
I've talked about it at lenght, I can give you forum addys as well.
So this point is moot.
Anyway, thanks for the 'support'.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
Added after 9 minutes:
Hi Anurr
You have had 30 - 40 downloads since you started using Xerver 1 month ago, so you dont have enough downloads to actually earn.
Plus, as you can see it shows that all of your downloads were done by a PREMIUM user, obviously these users did not buy premium accounts under your links because you only get 1 - 5 downloads per day, so what that means is these users purchased a premium account under someone elses link and they have most likely downloaded files from other users.
Also, all of your downloads are from premium users, so how is there a problem with our payment gateway?
I'm sorry Anurr, but if your gonna complain when you only receive 30 downloads a month, maybe Xerver is not for you.
@ xerver
today u deleted some of my earnings...
may i know why ?
pls check username : coolguy
check overall stats and my account balance varying
also stats not working by day earnings decreasing
i'm very disappointed
@ xerver
r u there ??
why u skip my comment ?
its not fair....pls add my earnings.......
Hi Coolguy
Did you send a message to our support center like I requested?
And you lie, I have more downloads, but this only shows in fact how you treat smaller affliates.
Now I hope my user won't be able to purchase premium and will go another route instead.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
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