Search results

  1. C - PPD UP to $30/1000 downloads - Daily Payouts

    my payment is still pending since two weeks. my username : vivix
  2. C

    [Giveaway] 3 mo Free SSD Web Hosting and 2x Windows VPS

    I apply for the SSD Canada Web hosting, tnx
  3. C

    Is it safe to use a Nulled Wp Theme ??

    So how to find Malicious Codes in a theme ?
  4. C

    Is it safe to use a Nulled Wp Theme ??

    Hi guys, Is it safe to use a Nulled Wp Theme ??
  5. C

    French The average earning/income of warez blog ?

    Something rather than warez .. like what ??
  6. C

    French The average earning/income of warez blog ?

    I know that it depends on traffic and ads-networks, i'm just concerned about the profitability of a warez blog, i want to be sure that my invested "time" & "money" will bring me some Profits =)
  7. C

    French The average earning/income of warez blog ?

    "So, there isn't much money in warez, legal stuffs are the best now" - What about all those warez sites & blogs in the Net; they don't earn $$ ??
  8. C

    French The average earning/income of warez blog ?

    What is the average earning/income of a movies warez blog with Fr trafic - per month - ?? Thanks in advance :)
  9. C - 32/64 GB RAM, Regular/Encoding/Admin from €3/ month (FR,NL,CA)

    I got this on email : Contact them via Skype :)
  10. C

    10 x Invites [Giveaway]

    Invite sent, Check your Inbox. __________________ Added after 2 minutes: Invite sent, Check your Inbox. __________________ Added after 2 minutes: Invite sent, Check your Inbox. __________________ Added after 2 minutes: Invite sent, Check your Inbox. __________________ Added after 3...
  11. C

    10 x Invites [Giveaway]

    Invite sent, Check your Inbox.
  12. C

    10 x Invites [Giveaway]

    10 x / Invites [Giveaway] Hello to all the members of WJ, I have 10 x / Invites which i would like to give it to those who want it. Review : - Direct Download BitTorrent .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If you...
  13. C

    top 1 site for magazine and ebooks?

    They are leechers, what about the main source ??
  14. C

    top 1 site for magazine and ebooks?

    But, the big question is : where they get "pre release" ebooks and magz ? what is the source ? the name of p2p tracker ??
  15. C

    IPTorrents - Free Giveaways

    This is a joke, didn't received anything, I'm 100% sure that no one have received anything from you .. Where are you man !? Do you really have this invites !? __________________ Added after 2 Days 2 Hours: WOW .. didn't hear from you since 1st March .. anyway i got an invite from a friend of...
  16. C

    Private Tracker Vs. Public Tracker

    Of course private trackers
  17. C

    Warning: EpicScale "Cryptocurrency Miner" silently installed with latest uTorrent.

    This is a screenshot of a friend of mine, after reading this topic he uninstalled Utorrent and did an Anti-Malware scan. ( "EpicScale" detected also by Malwarebytes )
  18. C

    Warning: EpicScale "Cryptocurrency Miner" silently installed with latest uTorrent.

    Many users of the popular BitTorrent client uTorrent are complaining about it silently installing a cryptocurrency miner with a recent update "version 3.4.2 build 38913". EpicScale is a bitcoin miner that also purports to use your "unused processing power to change the world". It's easily...