IPTorrents - Free Giveaways

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Active Member
I have a few IPTorrents invitations which i would like to give it to those who would use it wisely.

If you are interested and like to have an invite, post your speedtest here and i will contact you.
I would like to get one, this is my speedtest (i'm using RDP)


Thank you for this Giveaway :handshake:

PM me your email address (gmail address pls) and maintain your ratio properly

Here is my speedtest results. Thx in Advance !!


PM me your email address (gmail address pls) and maintain your ratio properly

Added after 1:

My speedtest results.

Nice giveaway.

PM me your email address (gmail address pls) and maintain your ratio properly in IPT
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[1] Only invite people you trust and who will maintain their ratio
[2] Do not use your invites to create another account (dupe account), this WILL lead to both accounts being disabled
[3] Selling invites WILL get you banned without warning
[4] Do not re-invite an invitee that has already been banned, this WILL lead to all accounts being disabled.
[5] Do not re-invite a jailed user, doing this will mean the invitee is disabled for having dupe accounts (rule 2) and YOU WILL lose your invite privileges
[6] Do NOT re-invite someone who messed up their ratio, they got it wrong once already! (See rule 1)

How are you going to check this?
He probably has no more than 3 invites. I have 3 invites too but no way I would give these out to total strangers.

Anyway, has anybody received an invitation actually?
This is a joke, didn't received anything, I'm 100% sure that no one have received anything from you .. Where are you man !? Do you really have this invites !?

Added after 2 Days 2 Hours:

WOW .. didn't hear from you since 1st March .. anyway i got an invite from a friend of mine .. THANKS FOR NOTHING
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