Dear Users
We are not able to recreate your 404 errors. Downloads are fine on the site. Everything is working, tested with 3 different computers.
Is someone still experiencing this problem? It could have been an issue with our DNS, but we can't see any problems now.
Added after 27 minutes:
there are no problems!! all inactive files are deleted after 5 days who have 0 download full stop@Sykacz
buddy, i am checking that problem seriously, but still i am not able to find it, hope i will find the root cause soon.
i am really sorry for the issue.
as I said you should to mentioned it in first page of this topic !!
bump !!!!!!!
I asked this problems few days ago... and also Sykacz has the same problem but owner seems to not know the problem.. but I discovered the problem
all inactive files are deleted after 5 days who have 0 download
to be sure.. try again upload one file but dont publish it.. the file will be deleted by system after 4 or 6 days !!!
xerver is good host but with this problem i can't accept it in my forum !!!
Please try to upload 1 file like a PDF with a random name like: kjfdlkajfodjadk.pdf
You will see that this file will not be deleted after 5 days. Many companies request their files to be banned via MD5, we have to oblige.
So if your files are deleted within 5 days, thats because the day before we banned a file.
They just delete files after 5 or 7 days, i uploaded a photo taken with my phone, didn't share it, and it got deleted after ~7 days.
So not even deleted because of DMCA.
My files were deleted by the admin before the payout.
My payment got rejected claiming that I deleted my own files.
This is the second time I have to post this. Don't ignore it this time!!
Were you a premium or free user with us? If you were premium and you say we deleted all your files, that would be a lie because that would mean all of your files received no downloads for 90 days and then got deleted.
So if you still had files on the 17th when you requested your payout, the last file would have been deleted 3 months after the 17th, and if you were a free user you last file would have been deleted on the 17th of October, so how can you say all your files were deleted by us before the 1st, which is the date you were supposed to be paid?
This is not possible. You deleted your files yourself.
This is most likely the result of a checksum hash deletion, in simple terms someone else uploaded the same file you did and a DMCA was submitted to Xerver for that file resulting in both files being deleted.
Files uploaded by me are archived and renamed like "asd2dsa13"
Were you a premium or free user with us? If you were premium and you say we deleted all your files, that would be a lie because that would mean all of your files received no downloads for 90 days and then got deleted.
So if you still had files on the 17th when you requested your payout, the last file would have been deleted 3 months after the 17th, and if you were a free user you last file would have been deleted on the 17th of October, so how can you say all your files were deleted by us before the 1st, which is the date you were supposed to be paid?
This is not possible. You deleted your files yourself.
I never had a premium account.
As far as I can remember, the last file I uploaded was on July 25 .
I requested my payout on July 27, which was actually processed on September 9.
While waiting for my first payout, I collected the other 29 euros from my old files.
So please stop accusing us uploaders of lying.
hey he delete your files and then doesnt pay because of deleted files?
oh my god,what kind of admin he is...
hey i am shocked and worry about myself and others too
can he do it to the others
not fair
Please understand we do not have time to go through users accounts and delete their files to avoid payouts. If we did this, no one will get paid on time.
Files uploaded by me are archived and renamed like "asd2dsa13"
oh, yeah I know what your talking about and it is highly obnoxious, xerver isn't the only file host to do this and I always tell file hosts how stupid & unprofessional it is to use such keyword indexes to auto-rename files that are uploaded by affiliates. I've noticed this specifically with XFileSharingPro based file hosts that they change the file name from lets say "TeenSexFile.rar" to "_File.rar", with "Teen" and "Sex" being two words in their keyword index to auto-rename.
Under the Policies tab on I added a column for "Any Uploaded Files Auto-Renamed". One out of three file hosts I've reviewed so far have this enabled, and its a same that so many file hosts pull this type of nonsense. To me it is a form of censorship and I don't see in any way this adheres to any DMCA compliance requirements. The only thing I can think of why file hosts would make the mistake of enabling such a silly feature is that this might be something which a piece of shit payment processor might require, and if that's the case the file host should look for a new processor...
Overall I am pretty happy with Xerver, and yes the last couple days have sucked for everyone but minor growing pains such as this are OK in my book. So I kinda feel bad saying something negative about them, but then again there are many/much worse negative things that I can say about other file hosts when comparing to Xerver.
At the end of the day the most important thing to me is that the file host maintains its stability and protects its cash flow so that they can pay their affiliates on a timely basis, all of which Xerver has proven to have achieved so far with me.
I never had a premium account.
As far as I can remember, the last file I uploaded was on July 25 .
I requested my payout on July 27, which was actually processed on September 9.
While waiting for my first payout, I collected the other 29 euros from my old files.
So please stop accusing us uploaders of lying.
Then our system deleted your files after they expired, not us. Please understand we do not have time to go through users accounts and delete their files to avoid payouts. If we did this, no one will get paid on time.
We have made payouts 100x bigger than yours to other users. There is no need for us to "Steal" your 20 EURO. We act only on the information that our system provides us. And in the payout section, we can see when last a user has been active on the site. We know that a lot of users, especially PPD request payments and then delete their files to see if a host will pay on not. Its clear that we do pay and we have paid everyone twice a month since we have been online, so there is no need to delete your files and wait for a payment with us. We are trustworthy and we have proved this over and over again, that is why we have the biggest sites working with us.
If our system deleted your files, then it is only fair that your payment be sent. I will look into your account today and update you.
hey he delete your files and then doesnt pay because of deleted files?
oh my god,what kind of admin he is...
hey i am shocked and worry about myself and others too
can he do it to the others
not fair
Kemail, this issue does not concern you. Last time you were ranting and raving on other peoples posts on our thread, you were banned from Wj. You insulted us and we still made your payment.
Please think before you post things. This is 1 user that has a problem, not everyone.
Please understand we do not have time to go through users accounts and delete their files to avoid payouts. If we did this, no one will get paid on time.
Files uploaded by me are archived and renamed like "asd2dsa13"
oh, yeah I know what your talking about and it is highly obnoxious, xerver isn't the only file host to do this and I always tell file hosts how stupid & unprofessional it is to use such keyword indexes to auto-rename files that are uploaded by affiliates. I've noticed this specifically with XFileSharingPro based file hosts that they change the file name from lets say "TeenSexFile.rar" to "_File.rar", with "Teen" and "Sex" being two words in their keyword index to auto-rename.
Under the Policies tab on I added a column for "Any Uploaded Files Auto-Renamed". One out of three file hosts I've reviewed so far have this enabled, and its a same that so many file hosts pull this type of nonsense. To me it is a form of censorship and I don't see in any way this adheres to any DMCA compliance requirements. The only thing I can think of why file hosts would make the mistake of enabling such a silly feature is that this might be something which a piece of shit payment processor might require, and if that's the case the file host should look for a new processor...
Overall I am pretty happy with Xerver, and yes the last couple days have sucked for everyone but minor growing pains such as this are OK in my book. So I kinda feel bad saying something negative about them, but then again there are many/much worse negative things that I can say about other file hosts when comparing to Xerver.
At the end of the day the most important thing to me is that the file host maintains its stability and protects its cash flow so that they can pay their affiliates on a timely basis, all of which Xerver has proven to have achieved so far with me.
Hi Peter
There are very little payment processors that are willing to work with File hosts these days and for these reasons we have to obide by their terms and conditions.
However, I can look into some of the issues you mentioned above and try my best to find a solution to them. We do appreciate your support and your compliments.
To all users complaining about File deletions, MD5 does not check the file name, it checks the file signature. So if you were to upload a file that has been banned via MD5 and rename that file before upload, the file will still be deleted.
Another reason why your files might be getting deleted is because of our anti-dupe system. This has been enabled since Sept 13th. But its causing a lot of confusion amongst uploaders so we will disable it again.
Smarboy will be back today to handle all questions and support on the thread.
Best Regards
oh, yeah I know what your talking about and it is highly obnoxious, xerver isn't the only file host to do this and I always tell file hosts how stupid & unprofessional it is to use such keyword indexes to auto-rename files that are uploaded by affiliates. I've noticed this specifically with XFileSharingPro based file hosts that they change the file name from lets say "TeenSexFile.rar" to "_File.rar", with "Teen" and "Sex" being two words in their keyword index to auto-rename.
Under the Policies tab on I added a column for "Any Uploaded Files Auto-Renamed". One out of three file hosts I've reviewed so far have this enabled, and its a same that so many file hosts pull this type of nonsense. To me it is a form of censorship and I don't see in any way this adheres to any DMCA compliance requirements. The only thing I can think of why file hosts would make the mistake of enabling such a silly feature is that this might be something which a piece of shit payment processor might require, and if that's the case the file host should look for a new processor...
Overall I am pretty happy with Xerver, and yes the last couple days have sucked for everyone but minor growing pains such as this are OK in my book. So I kinda feel bad saying something negative about them, but then again there are many/much worse negative things that I can say about other file hosts when comparing to Xerver.
At the end of the day the most important thing to me is that the file host maintains its stability and protects its cash flow so that they can pay their affiliates on a timely basis, all of which Xerver has proven to have achieved so far with me.
Again: These files were expired or deleted by administrator from your account: abcdef.720.part1.rar
That file was uploaded on october 3.
And I have the same situation as described above: [TABLE="class: table table-striped"]
[TD]€ 31.04[/TD]
Your support said me: if I'll continue work with you then they'll be able to pay me. But before payment day you'll delete all my files again and I'll get 'rejected payment'.
What should I do, I just want to get my money.
It's smell not good. Sorry.
You don't pay every payout, at least two of them you've stolen.
Using 25 EURO minimum payout you'll get more in your pockets.
Anyway, you can take my money as halloween gift, but you untrusted host.
You should add in you first post something like: if you stop uploading - you get nothing!
By the way, I couldn't find it in you TOS as you say!
Best Regards and Adios.