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bubawuba is right.
These are the downloads from FS and WU of the same file uploaded the same day...



Willy this needs to b fixed.

There is nothing to be fixed. FS is a old host and more people has premium account than WU. And as old host it is preferble more over newer to get download. And FS shows total downloads there not Paid download there. WU shows paid download only. Total download must be higher than paid download as it include all premium download too but paid download count only one unique premium download per day.

If you want to see example then just change your parallel host from fileserve to MU and you will see more people download from MU than fileserve. Older hosts are always preffered over newer.

@ willy correct me if I am wrong in any place.

@snow-correct :)

there is nothing wrong in the member who cries for wu.

fs shows incomplete/failed/broken together with complete dl's in their fmanager

wu shows completed only in FM ;)

don't agree that older posts preferred than newer since it usualy depends more on the content/niche rather the filehost DL choice........

Hey guys, anyone has the dropped stat today ? It's dropped like 50% for me. I can't even believe what I see here.

yesterday->> increased 20-25 % ;)

today --> too early ;)
@snow-correct :)

there is nothing wrong in the member who cries for wu.

fs shows incomplete/failed/broken together with complete dl's in their fmanager

wu shows completed only in FM ;)

don't agree that older posts preferred than newer since it usualy depends more on the content/niche rather the filehost DL choice........

yesterday->> increased 20-25 % ;)

today --> too early ;)

You are correct upto certain level but its right too the older & popular hosts are preferable choice for downloader if mirror available for same file. Try out once MU+WU to see the result.

Fileserve is a preferable hosts over WU. I was using Filesonic+Fileserve from February. Again I just shifts on WU over fileserve couple of weeks ago. Now I see Fileserve use to ate downloads of filesonic as When I shifts in WU Filesonic gain its download. Means Fileserve was preferable that time by a good number of people than WU so now people prefer Filesonic more over WU in case of my files. I dont post in single forum but I do post over 50+ forum
A simple question

If I am on PPD and i make a sale will it be shown in the stats.(I am not talking about money but only sales like 1/0 or something)
Try out once MU+WU to see the result.

Fileserve is a preferable hosts over WU. I was using Filesonic+Fileserve from February. Again I just shifts on WU over fileserve couple of weeks ago. Now I see Fileserve use to ate downloads of filesonic as When I shifts in WU Filesonic gain its download. Means Fileserve was preferable that time by a good number of people than WU so now people prefer Filesonic more over WU in case of my files. I dont post in single forum but I do post over 50+ forum

we are both offtopic :):facepalm:

in this circumstance / case (mirror) we agree ;)

But fileserve gets better results from all........not really.

DISAGREE with this sorry.

FSonic is better, but Wu is increasing.

but in your above example MU + WU yes ppl will prefer MU over Wupload. (at least we ve to be honest)

Although, was not meaning/talking about mirroring files ;)

Mirroring has a cost to the uploader has adv and disadv.too!!

** all above are our personal opinion so users have to test the services yourselfs to see which fits in. thks snow nice chat with u today :)
@Willy Wupload
Hi, can you please look into this Ticket #14718: Fwd: Receipt for Your Payment to Wupload?
I paid 12 hours ago but I didn't get any login information.

Hey, kovic!

I don't check the tickets - we have support staff which do so.

Can you please PM me your subscription/transaction ID from your payment (include method of payment)?


Willy don't ignore me. Today 3 sales from SPAIN , i will remember to change it to B Group, greetings

We can't push our PPD grid any further, lalo!

We still pay higher for Group C countries than the majority of filehosts out there! :)


The download speed is too slow for free users , and the other thing is your counts are too low , stop fooling people X-(

Hey, resul666!

We're always working on improving speeds for free users as well as premium users - can you PM me some more information about the speed issue you've noticed with free downloading? Include your IP, location and a download link you've noticed slow speeds on!

And as for our counts - we don't "fool" anybody with the counts!


My ip is blocked. Please take up

Please PM me your IP, xiucoi!

Just as I thought.

No comment on the things I said a few pages back.

No use trying to fix things. They won't, because there is NO WILL to do so.

You keep busting your butt to make something out of a partnership, when you realise that your "partner" is sitting on his ass, doing nothing.

I am moving to another host. Ran out of patience.
Hi Willy , Why I can't Remote upload from Oron to Wupload ?
I have premium accounts in the both File Hosts...

Hey, AlexxxMaster!

We have noticed in the past that Oron has blocked Wupload's servers from remote uploading.

I'll take a look into it!


Willy, someday there will be another promotion for users with PPD?

Greetings and thank you very much this is a best Fileshosting

We don't have any promos planned just yet, but when we do, we'll definitely try to make it something that benefits all affiliates ;)


Is sthng wrong with stats?
Cant believe so low download count

The stats are calculating fine, rahulthakur!

But PM me your ID and I can double check.


@Willy Wupload

I paid 30 hours ago but still I didn't get any Premium login information.
I don't think you're scammer. What is going on?

Please check your junk mail/spam filter! If you paid BEFORE you created a free account, check the e-mail which your payment method is linked to!

Aside from that, please PM me your subscription/transaction ID (as well as method of payment)!

For all of you wondering why dl count is low, please read this:

There is now a CAPTCHA code for free users, dl managers like jdownloader need the user to type the code. Also, the waiting time between dl's is longer than it was.

Too many people switched to PPD and Wupload can't afford paying money for downloads...
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