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I have sent the premium application two days ago ,but i still havent got any news from you guys

Your application has been sent

Your application is being reviewed. We will get back to you in the next 48 hours.
yes remote upload was really slow today here too
but I hope it was temporary issue

edit : not an error just too slow compared to ussually

Hey, zenica!

Yes, this is a temporary issue.

We will be implementing a solution in the next few days which will greatly improve the RU queue.


no idea what that says about me but willy upload actually made me laugh out loud :))

anyway, on topic: s13 is slow as hell as well 50-100kb/s dl speed. s1 on the other hand has around 5000 kb/s dl speed (s4 & s14 as well)

That it made you laugh out loud made me do the same ;)

Thanks for the info, BadWolf! We are doing all in our power to ensure that downloaders get a baseline of great speeds across all servers.

Thank you for your patience and input!


Added after 5 minutes:

Hey Willy, I was wondering how trade in points works:

If I want to buy premium using my wupload points, will it only cost me $30.00 instead of the $55 it will normally cost me?

And will I get paid automatically every week? What if I want to accumulate abit of money first?

Lastly for what type of uploaders do you give premium accounts? Hoping I quality :)

Hey, lellouchftw!

Yes, if you wish to buy a 1 year premium account with trade-in points, it will only cost you $30!

We pay automatically each Wednesday for earnings acquired by the previous Sunday, minimum payout is $10. If you wish to let the earnings accumulate before "cashing out", just remove your payment information from your Wupload account!

And active uploaders can be considered for free premium upgrades - PM me your ID and I can take a look!



I have sent the premium application two days ago ,but i still havent got any news from you guys

Your application has been sent

Your application is being reviewed. We will get back to you in the next 48 hours.

Hey, piskin!

I believe you should have an answer to your application by now - as long as you provided the appropriate information and it qualified - you should be good to go!

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lol he hide the name of the video and he forget to hide the links Enjoy the Porn brada >:)

Did it ever occur to you that i might have done it on purpose?
The link tells willy the server that is having speed problems.

What a fail. You aren't so smart after all. :facepalm:
At the top of your sBorg there should be a link called "Logs", it's the second one ;)


I know very well what and where the logs are. As I said, they do not show the server they're uploading to.


Nice to see the same crap speeds today!!! X-(X-(X-(X-(

I think WU is trying to beat the record on the worst upload speeds every on web upload = 0.03mb/s!!!
dont know why everyone asking for free premium account for only 5$ you are premium when you do it with your earnings ... is that to much????
I know very well what and where the logs are. As I said, they do not show the server they're uploading to.


Nice to see the same crap speeds today!!! X-(X-(X-(X-(

I think WU is trying to beat the record on the worst upload speeds every on web upload = 0.03mb/s!!!

where is your sBorg server? NL or US?

my sBorg server is located in NL and i can upload 20-35 mbps. but during peak hours it reduced to 8-15 mbps..
hi Willy, are you going to let us know why our download count and revenue dropped 50% or you are going to ignore us!! X-(

You still didn't figured out by yourself?

Ok, let me break that for you.

Wupload is sister company of Filesonic.
All uploaders, once they felt dropdown in earnings, because there is no rebill option at Filesonic, were 'forced' to move to another filehost, and take their uploads with them. And natural choice was Wupload. Same, and even better conditions at the beginning, attracted 99% of Filesonic uploaders. And not just Filesonic...
Well, since Filesonic have about 5X more servers, Wupload can't cope with remote uploads, and all other type of uploads, with that small amount of servers.
That is why you see Willy replying they are getting new servers.

30 minutes waiting time isn't introduced to cut off your earnings. (Well it is what it directly does) It is there to slow down amount of requests, that they are getting from free downloaders. Well, servers get enormous amounts of hits from both sides, way too many uploaders, and downloaders at the same time.

So, 30 min. isn't a 'test', it's the effort to try to make less hits from free downloaders, and save some bandwidth for those who payed for premiums, and uploaders. However, amount of servers they have isn't enough to cope with all the traffic.

So, you are getting less downloads, because of bigger waiting time, and much slower speeds.
They simply didn't calculated good, how many servers they would need, and never took in their calculations, that, boom they could get, would be literally bigger than Filesonic had. Now, they screwed everything.. :S
Not sure that new servers would do any good, because they would have to have more servers than Filesonic have now....
Also, it's been more than 30 days that uploading speeds are miserable, so, to provide new content faster on wupload, than any other filehost, is literally impossible. Everything shows up on other filehosts much faster, and while you upload to wupload, downloaders are already sleeping, with jdownloader turned on....

And ofc he won't tell you they screwed in calculations. Well, actually, he does, by saying they are getting new servers... :)

Also, uploading from USA isn't a routing issue. Filesonic is also with Webazilla, and they don't have any routing issues. And also, that could be easily seen with zooms uploader, which starts to upload with 5-6MB/s, and when another uploader gets the same server, speeds go down drastically. Nothing to do with routing.

Hope this makes things more clear
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crvle77, nice explanation. I wonder if it is so difficult to add more servers more often? I remember how FServe added (always!) about 100-200 servers when they detect (or before!) a bottleneck.
New servers aren't cheap. (they surely get discount on huge orders)
And they are built per order. You can't build, or order 100s of servers, and expect delivery next day.
And they probably didn't had enough money to invest, in the beginning. Or, they just rushed things. Otherwise, they would get 1000s servers, half in USA, half in EU.
Now, they are earning for them, from the service itself.

Lots of things are included, when you add new server: will they be profitable, what is the ROI time, how much before they start making money...blahblah

File-hosting is everything, but not an easy job, if you want to stay in business, and be competitive.

Fileserve have rich investor. I saw 6 months ago, a list of 80.000 different subdomains fileserve have. Not sure if all those are servers itself, or some servers just have more than one IP, but numbers are impressive. And it's impressive to see so many servers working all together.

What I don't get it, they are targeting USA customers, and those are in A group, but they don't have USA based servers....
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You still didn't figured out by yourself?

Ok, let me break that for you.

Wupload is sister company of Filesonic.
All uploaders, once they felt dropdown in earnings, because there is no rebill option at Filesonic, were 'forced' to move to another filehost, and take their uploads with them. And natural choice was Wupload. Same, and even better conditions at the beginning, attracted 99% of Filesonic uploaders. And not just Filesonic...
Well, since Filesonic have about 5X more servers, Wupload can't cope with remote uploads, and all other type of uploads, with that small amount of servers.
That is why you see Willy replying they are getting new servers.

30 minutes waiting time isn't introduced to cut off your earnings. (Well it is what it directly does) It is there to slow down amount of requests, that they are getting from free downloaders. Well, servers get enormous amounts of hits from both sides, way too many uploaders, and downloaders at the same time.

So, 30 min. isn't a 'test', it's the effort to try to make less hits from free downloaders, and save some bandwidth for those who payed for premiums, and uploaders. However, amount of servers they have isn't enough to cope with all the traffic.

So, you are getting less downloads, because of bigger waiting time, and much slower speeds.
They simply didn't calculated good, how many servers they would need, and never took in their calculations, that, boom they could get, would be literally bigger than Filesonic had. Now, they screwed everything.. :S
Not sure that new servers would do any good, because they would have to have more servers than Filesonic have now....
Also, it's been more than 30 days that uploading speeds are miserable, so, to provide new content faster on wupload, than any other filehost, is literally impossible. Everything shows up on other filehosts much faster, and while you upload to wupload, downloaders are already sleeping, with jdownloader turned on....

And ofc he won't tell you they screwed in calculations. Well, actually, he does, by saying they are getting new servers... :)

Also, uploading from USA isn't a routing issue. Filesonic is also in EvoSwitch DC, and they don't have any routing issues. And also, that could be easily seen with zooms uploader, which starts to upload with 5-6MB/s, and when another uploader gets the same server, speeds go down drastically. Nothing to do with routing.

Hope this makes things more clear

wow Willy what will be your answer here ? let me guess YOU WILL IGNORE! like you do usually :)

PS.. by the way thank you Willy.. because of your test and because is ,,summer time xaxa like you say,, my earnings drop 70 80% great.. i can`t imagine what will be next week maybe 90% :)
Also, uploading from USA isn't a routing issue. Filesonic is also in EvoSwitch DC,

Neither filesonic, nor Wupload (they're both basically the same) have their servers in the EvoSwitch DC. They have them with Webazilla that houses servers in a different DC both in NL and the US.
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