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I dont know whats problem with uploading, 5 gb for example takes no time for me, maybe cause my dedi is in europe, i dont know why u complain at all, i have crap speed and many problems with uploading to fileserve for example, but the reason is servers location i believe, but maybe im wrong ;)
willy, wupload is the greatest, the bad speed in upload is compensated with the well counts, in future if you going to decrease the earnings for the uploaders (bad idea) you must improve the bad speed. perhaps i love wupload and i carry with the bad speed without problems thanks to your great earnings....
Hey, DarkAcid!

No, we don't be decreasing the earnings for uploaders!

I apologize for the speed issues, but we are working on fixing (as alleviate doesn't seem to be popular ;)) them now!

Thank you for your patience.

Today my earning drop! I use filesonic too. I always earn at least 30%+ more on wupload daily. But today My wupload earning is less then filesonic. Content are same so statics not working properly..
Today my earning drop! I use filesonic too. I always earn at least 30%+ more on wupload daily. But today My wupload earning is less then filesonic. Content are same so statics not working properly..
statistics works fine dude, just the download process have big problems. Read lasts posts before say something like this
RU f'ing up. I put a couple of files to RU from FS, it looked like it was gonna take a while so I decided to go to the gym while it uploaded. I come home after two hrs and this is wat I find...
Willy, can you make FSC RU to WU instantaneous if the file is already hosted on WU? This would probably cut down a lot of that queue in RU you have and hopefully make other avenues of uploading easier and more stable also.
Hey, DarkAcid!

No, we don't be decreasing the earnings for uploaders!

I apologize for the speed issues, but we are working on fixing (as alleviate doesn't seem to be popular ;)) them now!

Thank you for your patience.


Willy please stop it.. maybe 200 + people told you and show you picture about that.. earnings go down and you know that perfect.. plese repsect us don`t treat us like monkeys ok ? site is your you can do what you want but again: don`t treat us like ideots
Tell me something how many people have to tell you about droping in earnings to believe 1 000 000 ?
don`t check total download stats.. check individual stats.. it`s normal total downloads stats to grow up because everyday new people join in wupload.. please wake up...
Come on Willy, please repair FTP it's impossible to upload anything for two days now.

Hey, Macan and all,

We are well aware of the FTP issue and are working on fixing it right now!

Apologies for the frustration, but some issues are more stubborn than others!


problem with remote upload, plz fix this

We are finalizing a solution for the remote upload queue which will greatly increase the speed and decrease the instances of "In Queue", kshabuj!

Apologies for the wait, we are working as fast as we can on this!

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