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There is no stats problem, but rather some servers get overloaded at some hours and it affect download speeds of users this is why some days we see some depression in download counts.

If some limits are introduced like limited storage space, limited remote upload etc then servers can run smoothly which will give good download counts to all affiliates & users and there will no longer any daily stats issues as some say.

If that is the issue, it affects the stats too right , so it is a stats problem too . If there is technical problems , that affects stats it is better for the affiliates to know about those issues . That way we wont get wrong ideas about the origins of the bad stats . So Willy why don`t you share with us , if there is technical problems with Wupload that directly affects stats . It will be better for us and for you if we know , because shit happens and we will understand you . Try to provide further info regarding Wupload technical condition and you will get less confused and angry affiliates . Just a suggestion , but if you can do that everything will go smoother for both sides . Filehosting is a business , uploaders - affiliates are important part of this business and both sides must collaborate to make that business more and more profitable and qualitative . Right ?
I have 4 months when i signup to WUPLOAD,i post everyday and look the results :(


It's horrible sincerelly .
confirm that ,sometimes downloaders tell me they download a file when it is like 99% and break down that pissed them off:facepalm:
i second that, some users told me the same thing!

Added after 25 minutes:

blackemil how is it going my friend? low stats or something?
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Now the stat are stuck, not moveing at all. I know send my info to Willy, but what is the point, I guess we all are faceing low stats not just me!
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