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Wtf... my stats is constantly going down


What is willy doing... i think now i have to give up wupload if willy dont do anything...

I have the same problem :facepalm:
You want to know why STATS are droping day by day? because some of your files are on slow servers or on servers under maintenance. So when a user trys to download your content he has download speed of 5 kb/sec or he gets the maintenance message. So thats why day by day stats are lower!
@dragos22 you really start getting boring with your answers at every opportunity
open your filehost and then open trhead here to wj
and then write whatever you want, until then let the questions corresponding to those who should(willy)

willy It would be good tell us what is really happening and when will it all back to normal.
because this really does not lead to nothing more than going to another filehost.

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please do not go our of topic WU to WU is not RU....

@Willy please at least let us know what is happening.
What type of step will u are/ will be taking.

Please we really love Wupload. its sad to see it going down...
go willy go willy :P

i don't care about dmca
i care that i can upload Again to wupload :)


Added after 4 minutes:

i don't have problems with stats its fine


not like month ago but still good
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