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If you think about it you will understand that is not entirely true.
If someone wants to download instantly and without any speed limitations He will buy premium account in the first possible moment that he is able to . So how many free downloads will be made from this guy - 0 . The majority of users are not spending their money on premium accounts , because they have managed to download with really good speeds as free users from other filehosts (fs,mu,fsn.....all with better speed for free users).But with Wupload things are different , the download speed for free users can not match those provided by the others (Is that on purpose ? More premiums sold maybe? I believe not , but...) and day by day those free users (good percent of them is buying premium if the filehost provides good service ) are choosing to search for well known and better alternatives from which they know that download is possible . That`s why our stats is going down day by day . Limit too much the free user download speed and the result will be bad for all - The filehost - The Uploader - The user

Another thing that lowers downloads and premium sales are all of those premium link generating sites , sites offering free premium usage just to attract more people and increase their traffic.Just search in Google with this phrase . There is even Facebook pages with premium accounts updated everyday(type in Google ) and it is not our work to take countermeasures against them - This is something that the filehost must search for and destroy if the filehosts owner is keen on making money from his services .

Hey, azazel!

Thanks for your comments on the service, however I do have to point out some things:

1) Traffic to the site is drastically increasing on a week by week basis, and as such, downloads are increasing every week - free and premium! Stat fluctuations are the nature of the business, and I'm not going to tell any of you how to do your job (not that some of you don't mind telling me how to do mine :)) jk), but you need to be constantly reassessing what you're uploading and where you're sharing to ensure that you're getting your unique material out to as many new users as possible!!

2) As for the download speeds, yes, this is something we're constantly striving to increase. We've been making some great improvements, but of course there are some servers which are more saturated with requests which unfortunately leads to less-than-ideal speeds.

We're working on another update of our infrastructure which will increase the upload and, more importantly, download speeds to ensure the best possible filehost experience and the highest earnings in the game! :)

As for the premium generators and such, yes, it is our responsibility to search and destroy those. However, if any of you come across them, it is a GREAT help and very much appreciated if you pass them along to me so I can get them to our team!

Guys, change to PPS. Then you won't have to worry about PPD and it's better.

PPS is where the real money is!! If you're unsure whether this is the route for you or what files you should share to generate sales, give Blended a try!


I can`t upload on FTP !!!

Hey, kokosko!

I'm looking into this right now!


Added after 6 minutes:

ftp is down

i cannot upload a byte from paris or us

Hey, guys!

I just tested FTP, and it took a minute, but I connected and my file uploaded quite fast!

There is a lot of traffic as it is the day before the weekend, so it will require some patience. However, we're optimizing some of the servers for the weekend so you'll have no issues! :)


Added after 4 minutes:

Must be employing a couple of monkeys to keep this host running ... oh, wait Willy is a monkey ... that explains it.

FTP very unstable (78.XX), web upload is terrible (even on RDP).

Tried to web upload to from a Netherlands RDP ... 34KBs was the fastest it went.

I might give up on wupload.

Actually, "Willy" is a gorilla ;)

Check the above responses regarding FTP, but as for web upload, please PM me some info about where your RDP is located, the speeds you're getting, and if possible, which server you're hitting!

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FTP, "Cannot establish Connection"
RU, Error "Wupload Is Temporarily banned from that site" (FS)
RL Server upload speed is 129 kb/s
Willy get to work. Your Slacking!

8-) Sorry, I was catching up on some reading

I 've been saying that about RU for more than two months.

Nobody listened to me. (I mean Willy)

More than that, all the more noob spammers are asking for PPD promo, as if one posts 100 GB of data in a few hours his stats will hit the sky.:facepalm:

Now the biggest warez site banned WU. I guess it was only a matter of time.

This is for all the noobs: Spamming will not get you more dl's. If all of you are posting the same things, there are more options for downloaders. Most likely, you will get less downloads.

@Willy: Please announce a PPS promo, that will encourage better uploaders to use Wupload.
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