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I mean everybody has got to start somewhere, but where's the fun in discovering things like URL rewrite, SEO, monetizing your website when it has all been done for you?[/B]

Yea, there people like you come in action and charge 20-30$ for adding LD or clickbank coding or to do SEO which is fine.:P

But all people are not an expert in coding and not rich either. When they are getting the same for free then why not?

No offence to anyone lol:)
^It has been proven that when someone invests money in something he is more likely to work more for it and to keep it up more.

I learned it myself, and my time is valuable. I have helped people for free, and some don't. Since you probably didn't get it for free I must think you suck.

If they install they get it for free and without any effort -> bad
if they look for coding it themselves they put effort in it -> Good
if they pay a coder for his time they put money in it -> Good in a way

The Good solutions makes the webmaster more motivated since he has either spend time or money.
Whoo made some very good points. There is fun in modifying a script, that is why I prefer phpBB to IPB/VB. But for people who don't there is always the other two. It all comes down to what you want.
LoL, i din't write there about myself:))

People who doesn't know coding are more successful then you are right now, that doesn't means you suck. It just they know better way to be successful which you don't.

Same thing goes with coding. Some people don't get time to learn coding, they just hire someone and pay for their work, which doesn't means they suck. They Rock:P

If they install they get it for free and without any effort -> They save their time, which can be utilised in many way.

If they look for coding it themselves they put effort in it -> Good, of course it's good but when you get the same without doing any work then what's the point?

Spending money doesn't make a webmaster successful in any way. I have seen people spending and then selling their sites for nothin.
LoL, i din't write there about myself:))

People who doesn't know coding are more successful then you are right now, that doesn't means you suck. It just they know better way to be successful which you don't.

Same thing goes with coding. Some people don't get time to learn coding, they just hire someone and pay for their work, which doesn't means they suck. They Rock:P

If they install they get it for free and without any effort -> They save their time, which can be utilised in many way.

If they look for coding it themselves they put effort in it -> Good, of course it's good but when you get the same without doing any work then what's the point?

Spending money doesn't make a webmaster successful in any way. I have seen people spending and then selling their sites for nothin.

Having everything done instantly with no work on your end?

That's what's wrong with the world these days.

Thanks for backing me up Bread.

I don't care what anyone else thinks about my success, so I couldn't care less what you think about it. To me I have learned alot from having my own sites and working on it myself. I have learned to code HTML/PHP/Javascript and MySQL, made some friends while the years passed and I achieved to have a reputable site up and running.

For the work that I have spend I'm making a decent amount of money too. But that's the thing, if you invest time and money in something you aren't gonna let it go as easy compared to if you just upload and do nothing on your end.

That's the point I was trying to make.
means i have edit something more in "wcfg.php" ??

Edit: Well which url to add here??
Full Path to the directory this file is stored in with TRAILING SLASH (e.g. /home/user/public_html/)

I am not getting it....
i already hv modules dir....
i need to add a url..
but i am not getting what to add...
it says
Full Path to the directory this file is stored in with TRAILING SLASH (e.g. /home/user/public_html/)
What url exaclty to add...?
Because your domain is devilsdivine I'm assuming your cpanel user is "devilsd" without quotes. For the full path type this:


And it should be working 100%

Good luck,
Because your domain is devilsdivine I'm assuming your cpanel user is "devilsd" without quotes. For the full path type this:


And it should be working 100%

Good luck,
I have added the full path, but still getting error....its the same...
"Full URL to your site"..what shld i exactly add there...??

This is the error i got...
WCDDL encountered an error during execution:
opendir(/home/devilsdi/public_html/ddlmodules/) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory
Line 41 in /home/devilsdi/public_html/ddl/funcs.php
oh i see theres no slash


if should be


try that
I got 2 sales using DDLCMS, which i never got using anyother DDL script.

So, for me DDLCMS is the best.:)

I just love to hear testimonials like that ^^^ !!! Gimme your site URL to add to our demo list, if you want, that is.

For anyone else using DDLCMS, please post your findings as well. I'm confident the script will do exactly what it's made to do -- to make you the most money, period.
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