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yes i am installed this but i am getting this error when i am tried to login at admincp

at subdomain but when i am login to admincp i am getting this error

[B]Fatal error[/B]:  Call to undefined function:  hash() in [B]/home2/alsoftsc/public_html/ddl/admin/login.php[/B] on line [B]13[/B]

Please Help what can i do

Be sure you are running PHP5+ with Mcrypt module installed.

It may be that your PHP is compiled with --disable-all , which disables the hash extension -- you can turn it on in your php.ini (you can do it via SSH, or contact your host to enable it).
^ PHP is trying to run a function that does not exist. Make sure that hash() is located within your script or that any file being included with the hash() functions is correctly linked. I don't think hash() is a hardcoded PHP function.
Those who want features aren't the best type of webmaster.

From years of being here I know that the webmasters who last want a script which is easily editable and doesn't come packed with a load of things they don't want. This is why WCDDL does not contain loads of modules and such by default.

I'm not saying the other scripts are bad but this scene likes scripts in a different way compared to regular non-warez people. If you were making a blog script for example, features would be the selling point. But with a DDL script, ease of use and being able to make extreme modifications is what people want.
Those who want features aren't the best type of webmaster.

From years of being here I know that the webmasters who last want a script which is easily editable and doesn't come packed with a load of things they don't want. This is why WCDDL does not contain loads of modules and such by default.

I'm not saying the other scripts are bad but this scene likes scripts in a different way compared to regular non-warez people. If you were making a blog script for example, features would be the selling point. But with a DDL script, ease of use and being able to make extreme modifications is what people want.

Whatever. That's your opinion. Mine is different. Those who like WCDDL for what it is -- great -- it suits their purpose -- I say good for them.

Those who want more features, security, editablilty, SEO, monetization, ease of use, auto maintaining functions, can use DDL CMS -- which comes with almost all modules turned "on" -- which can be switch off easily in the admin.
No, it's not my opinion.

It is the opinion of many, many webmasters who I have known for a rather long time.
If you want to code features, you're in the wrong community (apart from the occasionaly newbie webmasters from katz traffic).

I am not here to argue anyway so don't take this post as being hostile towards you.
I am not here to argue anyway so don't take this post as being hostile towards you.


No, it's not my opinion.

It is the opinion of many, many webmasters who I have known for a rather long time.
If you want to code features, you're in the wrong community (apart from the occasionaly newbie webmasters from katz traffic).

Disagree. Not gonna argue either.

If you're right, more people will use your script, and only 1 or 2 n00bs will use mine.

If you're wrong, the opposite will be true.
Well actually more newbies will use yours than true warez webmasters.

Forget it anyway i cant be bothered justifying myself and my reasons to you. I've been here longer, I know what people want.
Well actually more newbies will use yours than true warez webmasters.

I guess we'll see, won't we?

Forget it anyway i cant be bothered justifying myself and my reasons to you.

I don't want you to justify it to me, no offense.

I've been here longer, I know what people want.

On this board mabye -- hats off to you. Not in the "scene."

Been here a while, so long that it's shameful actually, lol, so I won't say how long. I designed DDL CMS for my own use actually (and some partners) to make things easier.

Making it a freely available script for others to use -- that was a later decision we made.

Last post:

"on this board" <- this board doesn't even contain the big webmasters, i've been around much longer than this board has obviously...
Please Help Me Little Dragon Bro Please i am crying

Bro PM me your FTP details, your db name, db username, db password. Also let me know what hosting you have -- virtual host, dedicated server, what kind is it, and where (gimme website) I'll take a look.

Like I said before, ask your host to enable the hash function in php.ini and your good to go!!!
Hahaha JmZ and Little Dragon have officially hi jacked this thread into a "which script is better / which webmaster's will use each script" thingee.

Boys just let it go.

On a side note, what the hell is a "True Warez Webmaster?" lol

I've been around this scene when sites like Easywarez, SubmissionZ and DJ Tozz were the huge sites lol, but I've yet to hear about what a True Warez Webmaster is.

Personally I rather have an easy to use, easy to install, powerful script with little or no coding needed.

Just because you may be a noob at coding doesn't mean you're a noob Warez webmaster or "are in it just for the money" because frankly it's not true.

Sure I make some extra cash, but my sites aren't filled with junk, no pop ups, no "donations" or VIP areas or any of that jazz.

In anycase I've tried WCDDL, KDDL, DDLCMS, and DDLCMS is the best for me by far, and not just because of features, but looks, easy of use, and speed of the script is good.

So people just use whatever you like most, not what some other person tells you based on their own opinions or what have you.

Just my 2 cents ;)
When i say a true webmaster i mean one who doesn't come and go within a month or so.

Basically anyone who lasts (in a way).

Also im not arguing over which script is better, they are both good. Just the things that webmasters in this scene like is what we were discussing.

I am not bothered if people use his script as I'm not here to make the most popular script. I'm here to provide my friends, the webmasters here, a script they can use.
u want to expand ur script a bit? the one drawback of DDLCMS is that its already customised too much and thus ALL the DDLs using the script looks the same all filled with the same features.... they basically look like copies of one another. But anywayz, the script is good, has potential, u just need to expand it a bit and also I would say its better if there were no encryptions.

true, WCDDL is better if the webmaster realli wanna customise it and create a unique DDL.

Both are rocking DDLs. Keep up the gud work.
I vote for WCDDL any day. I have looked at DDLCMS and it is TOO feature rich. What's the fun of being a webmaster if you just have to upload, and leave the site run automated?

Me and JmZ have been in the scene for a few years now (a lotsa few years lol), which can't be said with the webmasters on this board. I mean everybody has got to start somewhere, but where's the fun in discovering things like URL rewrite, SEO, monetizing your website when it has all been done for you?

What we have now is that the more newbie members (no offense) have an easy way of bringing up websites and just leaving them there.(if they use DDLCMS.) WCDDL couldn't have even 100 more features if it wanted, because I know the coding team and I know what they are capable off. But we just don't include all things like URL rewrite and shit because then all the people who actually worked their ass off coding it themselves aren't rewarded. If you include a default URL rewrite with $title-full-warez.html then those 2 keywords (meaning warez and full) will become more competitive. The people who just sit on their ass might even dominate some who have worked really hard, that's what I don't like.

Don't forget that in life you will have to WORK to get you somewhere high at the top.

WCDDL get's my vote
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