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Hi i cant login into my account and the Email is not good to recover the password what happend ?

My account name is Cornholio
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Thanks for confirmation of payouts.
We have started sending WMZ payouts again. so if you have a wmz wallet change back your payout settings to webmoney now.
Worst support ever deleteng all the links right now have a nice day. im waiting for 3 days for an anwser you dident anwser my problem here not on the fck vodlocker site then why do you have suport on the site delete that is usless if you dont anwser.
Im not mumbling i send you a suport mail from this link : http://vodlocker.com/contact

Second my email ID is cornholio_hd@yahoo.com and the user ID is Cornholio the problem is that someone hacket my account becouse if i try to reset the password and use this mail its say this
No user with this login / e-mail but if i type Cornholio is working so the acccount is working but they canget the mail adress and the password you can verify that the account was created from my mail all the Ips must be from Romania if the log shows something else is not me i can show you proof in my paypal becouse i got 1 payment from you and in my account i have 1 refferal from Italy his name is bigdummy or something like that. Please send my my account back to cornholio_hd@yahoo.com becouse its not my fault that is not working, i dident reveal the password to any body.

Sorry for my bad english.
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Hello All,

We have done some changes and my_files area should load much faster now. Please test it and provide some feedback.

Im not mumbling i send you a suport mail from this link : http://vodlocker.com/contact

Second my email ID is cornholio_hd@yahoo.com and the user ID is Cornholio the problem is that someone hacket my account becouse if i try to reset the password and use this mail its say this
No user with this login / e-mail but if i type Cornholio is working so the acccount is working but they canget the mail adress and the password you can verify that the account was created from my mail all the Ips must be from Romania if the log shows something else is not me i can show you proof in my paypal becouse i got 1 payment from you and in my account i have 1 refferal from Italy his name is bigdummy or something like that. Please send my my account back to cornholio_hd@yahoo.com becouse its not my fault that is not working, i dident reveal the password to any body.

Sorry for my bad english.
Hello, ok I do not have any emails can you please try send again or directly email support @ vodlocker
I have changed the account pswd for now until issue is resolved.
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