VodLocker.com Earn Up to $40, Weekly Payouts

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Thank you for confirming.
Anyone here knows of a non-expiry site that keeps videos for ever? We are thinking of this option, if you know such site please PM me.
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I have received payment for this week and after 1/2 hour I made another withdrawal.
I thought you can pay two times intro week.

Payment Received
Thank you
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definetly discriminated cause of how much traffic i bring
that fact is pullin me out of thursday's batches
i will rely on sunday's from now on
5th day of pending

sick of editing this post for hours
i have work to do
please be fair-play even with people who bring less traffic
my post is not likeable
but it's fair
Thank you for confirming.
Anyone here knows of a non-expiry site that keeps videos for ever? We are thinking of this option, if you know such site please PM me.

this sounds realy good (y) hope to see vodlocker keep files for ever will be good for us and vodlocker will we be seeing this soon are you all still thinkig of doing this with vodlocker would also be nice to see this with vidbull too :)
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