Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

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I replied you already. It was due to a change in your payment information. We don't like when people do that. So far no hackers have received any money from us :)
I replied you already. It was due to a change in your payment information. We don't like when people do that. So far no hackers have received any money from us :)

i not changing any thing in my information...
i'm waiting my payment from the past week :'(...
and i'm not hacker ...i worked all the last month in videobb.....i uploaded 231 movie =) 151.39GB =D and i have 13410 view :O...are you seen in ur life any hacker do this for 20$????
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I need some help please


I am an uploader at videobb but i got my account blocked due to abuse of the terms. However i don't understand why since I never uploaded any adult content nor spam anyone. I only uploaded videos or clips that lasted no more than 10 minutes, not any more different than the ones you can find at youtube.
I also uploaded videos which showed people fighting but i believe it not to be an issue since UFC and natural disasters are even more violent.;)

Can you tell me what I did wrong so that i won't make the same mistake again?

Can you please help me and restore my account?
My username is sunface.
Contact me if you need additional information.

Best regards.
hack4dz00: People who hack accounts will take whatever money they can.

sunface: You are not blocked.

shanks05: Promo is over.

scudkitten: Get phished either via forums or programs.

mrdev: Promo is over.

Explain to me why a video was removed on my account yet the same video file remains on multiple other people's accounts untouched.... It seems as soon as I start getting a few thousand views on my videos and shortly after pay day my top viewed videos are nuked off videobb. Yet they remain on other accounts.

I am some what perplexed why this is happening and it really makes me suspicious that people who are getting views and earning a little money are getting shafted here.
This hasnt happened me but they did remove some videos on me a few times which is normal..although truth to be told they remove way less than megavideo does mv has gone to the dogs lately with removals...
This is exactly why I am suspicious. Because it happens to me and hardly anyone else. Usually only after paydays. It;s almost like they audit my account because I make over $100 a week from vbb. Snatch my top videos and off they go.

It may not be so but as you can see my videos are being removed and others are not and they have the same videos. I have 2 accounts with the same files on them and one gets removed and the other doesnt..... makes no sense at all.
to premium

hello VBBDave, i want upgraded to Premium ...i uploaded more then 50 GB videos on my videobb account is : majdist
I replied you already. It was due to a change in your payment information. We don't like when people do that. So far no hackers have received any money from us :)

it is good thing that you dont pay the hackers, but do you pay that amount to the person who owns that account? if not, what is the point of not paying the hackers if that money dont go to the original account holder.
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