Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

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hopmick: Maybe we consider it later. For now, no.

davou09: Upgraded

messiah3: Upgraded

Gav0: 72 minutes of free viewing. 60 minutes wait. After 60 minutes you can watch another 72 minutes.

subaru_20: 500MB isn't 50GB. Sorry.

asuhot: Yes it is true :)

f1b0n4cc1: 720p is:
-A lot of bandwidth
-A lot of space
-A lot of CPU processing

What this means: A lot of money.

For now we cannot do it. Later on will maybe be a possibility.
f1b0n4cc1: 720p is:
-A lot of bandwidth
-A lot of space
-A lot of CPU processing

What this means: A lot of money.

For now we cannot do it. Later on will maybe be a possibility.

my question about , why 480p not look like a 480p video , i do not care if me upload 720p and you dropped to 480p , did you understand me ? I am asking , what cause video quality to make lower , if you compare a video on youtube with 480p and and videobb 480p , you can see .

Another user wrote here about remote upload and manual upload quality not same , maybe there is a bug about it .

i say again , i am reporting problems for better videobb . not for reproach , maybe my english level not enough to tell my mind , sorry for this .
f1b0n4cc1: If you moved it directly from MV using the video hosting tab then the quality will become worse. Is that what you did?

n-h-dz: You only uploaded 200MB. Not 50GB :)
no dave , i used fileserve remote upload , i suggest two thing :

first one very very important according to me, really , if you put a specify to let us add subtitle to videos , most foreigner people can watch tv series and movies online via videobb . How it works , someone upload a video , and foreigner people find and add subtitle to video and watch . It will boost your quality of service and popularity

second one is ; if me not wrong , you do not resize file size on your hosting , because i use remote upload and see same file size , so much , i hope i am wrong and you resize files , otherwise it will be problem for hd videos .

thank you again , have nice works
Aaaaargh !

My account is blocked for the second time in the last few weeks :'(

Could you please do consider it VBBDave ?

And also... I did not know you could have a premium if we had videos for 50Gb. And I have a "little more" than 50 Gb ...
I'm already a premium member but I paid.
So can I get a free additional month in premium ?

Thanks a lot !
f1b0n4cc1: We cannot add subtitles if users add them. It has to be hardcoded before it will display. We can't "re-encode" subtitles into videos because someone wanted to add that later on. Too much micromanagement for us.

We do resize videos to display.

coucoudjam: Don't see you banned? Your account should work fine. Also upgraded you.

therix: Thanks :)

angelxx: Upgraded.
Ok indeed my account is unlocked and thanks for that.

But I don't understand... I've been banned because I put copyrighted materials (the answer of videobb'support). And I still have the same quantity of videos. How can I know wich one was the problem ?

Sorry for my english... Maybe you speak french ?

PS Thanks for the upgrade !
Hello admin, there are a problem with french character when i try to upload i file with accent " é " or " à " it appear FAIL can you fix it please i'll send you my link to test via PM
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