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  1. C

    Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

    Ok indeed my account is unlocked and thanks for that. But I don't understand... I've been banned because I put copyrighted materials (the answer of videobb'support). And I still have the same quantity of videos. How can I know wich one was the problem ? Sorry for my english... Maybe you...
  2. C

    Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

    Aaaaargh ! My account is blocked for the second time in the last few weeks :'( Could you please do consider it VBBDave ? And also... I did not know you could have a premium if we had videos for 50Gb. And I have a "little more" than 50 Gb ... I'm already a premium member but I paid. So can...
  3. C

    Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

    Hello, I have the same problem with the quality of videos from Megavideo. Could you tell me how to don't have a lost of quality ? @ VBBDave: I allowed myself to send you a PM because my account was blocked this morning and I do not understand why ... Thank you !
  4. C

    Hello :-)

    Hi there, I read most of the topics here then i decided to register and become a member of this community. good job !