Videobb - Make Up to $30 - Upload Videos and Make $$$

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ulrich3: Yes, anytime you want you can request for payout. If you are a seasoned YouTube uploader and you usually post on boards then there's a lot of money in it for you.

gpt2: Did you read the requirements? :)
i need to know few things ...

first i want a bb code button to add it into my forum and main site which is made in dle and second what i the minimum payout for standard member and the main thing i would like to know is porn allowed ?
Would I be able to get my account upgraded to premiun

Would I be able to get my account upgraded to premiun ? :)
My username is : djdannger
xtone: a bb code button? Can you show me example?

Minimum payout is $20.

Porn is not allowed. We will ban on Porn. Even if you upload it for "personal" use. We will not store any porn at all on our servers. We do have an adult version out next week :)

djdanger: Upgraded

silent1killer: Upgraded

MrSandvik: Does this solve it?

That's true. When it is processing the file is still getting converted. We give you the link initially so you can push it out in hopes that within a short amount of time it should be readily available for you.

When it is finished processing you can grab it in the video manager.

I suggest you upload a bunch, take a cigarette break, return and get all your embed codes ;)
Not quite sure if you read everything.

The embed code shows up in my videos when it's processing.
The embed code does not show up in video manager while processing.

mrs* i think its not possible. i understand what you talking about. its kinda easy to get copy all embed at once n post, upload will complete auto & embed video will show auto when converting done by videobb server(s). kinda easy but i think its not possible. i hope i am wrong.

i have a question ,, after i singed up in vediobb my brother wanned to singup to .. so i sent him my refferal .. but we share the same WIFI with diffrent computers .. is that ok ??
i mean to say the one that is builtin with every CMS like the button of youtube to stream videos from youtube dude i dont know what it is :S

and ur next target is to lanuch porn streaming site so will we get paid to upload porn on that site cause i know i can earn alot from that one XD
so u want us to paid monthly to get the rl plugin ? why u dont share it here ?
i thing Videobb and rapidleechhost or rlplugin are for same user
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