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remote upload doesnt depend on us 100% bro,as it entails pulling files from other servers, too many variables to go wrong to juct conclude its us.I can only help 100% with uploads to usershare.

FTP was updated also...Anyone can comment on the speed?
remote upload doesnt depend on us 100% bro,as it entails pulling files from other servers, too many variables to go wrong to juct conclude its us.I can only help 100% with uploads to usershare.

FTP was updated also...Anyone can comment on the speed?

Yes,im aware of the fact that many circumstances are involved in issues with remote uploading. The thing is i was transferring from the same server elsewhere at over 4900 kb/s and getting 7 or so kb/s at usershare so im sure it was an issue with usershare. Like i said though,after i abort and keep trying i eventually get exceptionally good speeds,anywhere in the range of 15000 to 40000 kb/s
This is all via web interface, same way how zooms app is working for all filehosts.

After the screenshot, it just got stuck

another try:

and it stops, hangs




stops in the middle:

Yes,im aware of the fact that many circumstances are involved in issues with remote uploading. The thing is i was transferring from the same server elsewhere at over 4900 kb/s and getting 7 or so kb/s at usershare so im sure it was an issue with usershare. Like i said though,after i abort and keep trying i eventually get exceptionally good speeds,anywhere in the range of 15000 to 40000 kb/s
So how can you be sure they havent limited us?

Regardless, give me the server you are transloading to when you get 1kb
I just gave you a list of servers, actually just 2 of them are making all the trouble, with any kind of uploading...but point is we are redirected most of the time on THOSE 2
Youre correct,they could be limiting usershare,but it doesnt seem thats very likely considering if i abort a couple times with no longer than a few moments in between it magicly gets full speed. That would mean theyre limiting for a few seconds and then allowing full speed the next couple? Doesnt seem that likely. Im glad to at least be getting the fast speeds,and its only a minor inconvenience to have to abort but it still gets annoying when youre transferring alot of files. Im not trying to be a pain,just bringing light to a possible issue. When i do get full speed,its extremely fast!
I wasnt asking you dudeB-).We made adjustments to those servers.You can try again at your leisure.

I was talking to remote upload people getting 1kb.

Added after 4 minutes:

Youre correct,they could be limiting usershare,but it doesnt seem thats very likely considering if i abort a couple times with no longer than a few moments in between it magicly gets full speed. That would mean theyre limiting for a few seconds and then allowing full speed the next couple? Doesnt seem that likely. Im glad to at least be getting the fast speeds,and its only a minor inconvenience to have to abort but it still gets annoying when youre transferring alot of files. Im not trying to be a pain,just bringing light to a possible issue. When i do get full speed,its extremely fast!
Well yea it would matter.Because they cant limit , they would have to be capping a server(s).So when you refreshed it uploaded to another server,which is not limited.So if it goes to the same server, then your right and we can fix it,but if it goes to another server ,nothing we can do there.So back to my point,just record the server giving you 1kb then when you get the fast speed , record again.If its the same let me know.
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I wasnt asking you dudeB-).We made adjustments to those servers.You can try again at your leisure.

I was talking to remote upload people getting 1kb.

I am showing you images of uploads from just few minutes ago. I did try again.
You are skipping my posts, and not listening to me...You don't need 100s of confirmations, usually ppl just restart and continue, or they are looking and thinking "ok cvrle77 pointed out issue, we'll wait for a solution"
I am on the best possible network, I have no issues with other usershare servers, or any other filehost, I have blazing speeds...

EDIT: If it's not the server itself, maybe it has something to do with my account and that server, I have no ideas what could it be...and why.
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I wasnt asking you dudeB-).We made adjustments to those servers.You can try again at your leisure.

I was talking to remote upload people getting 1kb.

Added after 4 minutes:

Well yea it would matter.Because they cant limit , they would have to be capping a server(s).So when you refreshed it uploaded to another server,which is not limited.So if it goes to the same server, then your right and we can fix it,but if it goes to another server ,nothing we can do there.So back to my point,just record the server giving you 1kb then when you get the fast speed , record again.If its the same let me know.

Youre right,that didnt occur to me when i posted that

Hmmm,i just noticed on the My Files page i can never load any page other than 1. If i click 2 or any other it just never loads or immediately loads page 1 again. Probably a temp issue im sure,just wanted to make you aware. For the time being im just using the export function to retrieve links i need
yes, were doing some more optimizing on the servers.We will address those file-manger issues.Please test the uploads now and let us know.

Thank you kindly
Remote Upload is so slowly when upload more than 1files
I upload it mostly only 1kb`300kb,sometime it will more than 10mb/s,as the same rapidleech
It's getting harder and harder to upload. RU is very slow for most of the servers. The server either slow or doesn't work.

for the record, server dl779,dl01 are not working, only server id8135 got MegaByte upload speed, 1~300KB for other servers.
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For Every Files with remote upload from any host
RU is not working, seems there is only one server left for uploading(dl779). I'm sorry, but I have to say your service is getting worse.
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