- Highest Paying network around $65/1000 downloads (Official)

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Mybe already said that...but is usershare planning a programm pay per sale?!
An other question how is possibile that today I got 126 dl of my files,but myearnings is just 0.734?! :-( all my files are bigger that 450 MB!thanks...




How much i earn with every premium sold via my download link?

Yup pay per sale rolling out soon also , I would like to give a date, but don't wanna give promises and break them because of unforseen cicumstances...but 1 - two weeks is fair.
Mybe already said that...but is usershare planning a programm pay per sale?!
An other question how is possibile that today I got 126 dl of my files,but myearnings is just 0.734?! :-( all my files are bigger that 450 MB!thanks...





The downloads in your file manager count views as well as potential downloads.The reports count complete dowloads, which is what you get paid for.Clear?
Getting this.

Error happened when generating Download Link.
Please try again or Contact administrator.
(400 URL must be absolute )
May I suggest that you pay some designer here 10 bucks to make you a decent logo?
This one looks like a try, not like a file-host logo. I am dead serious, I can't even find decent fonts, to make a download post button...I spent 3 hours looking at all possible fonts...
May I suggest that you pay some designer here 10 bucks to make you a decent logo?
This one looks like a try, not like a file-host logo. I am dead serious, I can't even find decent fonts, to make a download post button...I spent 3 hours looking at all possible fonts...
why do you hate it? first bad thing we've heard about it really
I don't hate it, it looks so cheap, like 0.30$ work. This is how my download button looks like:


And I am not a graphic designer.

I mean, a trash can on a logo of file-host?


That logo doesn't satisfy ANY of designing rules.
It is unclear, shadows are just dropped for the sake of shadowing something.
Ball and trashcan do not associate on file-host. Trashcan is an icon from some icon pack, and that S and ball look like they came from somewhere else. And, blue letters on blue background?

Btw, my 2 files, test files, made this...about 20 seconds of work...


Nice for start, I see that people accept to download from you. Didn't implement everything, but tomorrow, show begins ;) btw, I always test with 2 files, and I earned most with you in first 24h :D
hello usershare i joined to usershare this month and i began to use seriously the service 2 days ago i think this is the best filehost i ever test, and i will use it forever LOL you have nice rates.
But i have 1 question, where can i see the status of my payouts requested
Log in view your reports, and select click "view payout report"B-),it'll get better.
only the pauout is very high but to earn is very slow ......check this out -

This is my downloads which i got..


& my earnings -

only the pauout is very high but to earn is very slow ......check this out -

This is my downloads which i got..


& my earnings -

its low because you don't get much downloads, the download count in my files show hits/views the page, streams and downloads, check your my reports.
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