Active Member
The reason Brazil went down wasnt bucuz of low sales. it was becuz most sale were fraudlant and done with stolen credit card ! Fraudlant transactions are a major issue for CC Gateway providers ! and when Brazil went to Gold the number of Fraudlant transactions must have gone so high that uploaded could even face contract cancelation with their CC provider !! according to the number of fraud transactions from brazil alone was equal to USA and the whole Europe combined ! you have nobody but yourselves to blame for this mate !
wise decision to drop brazil as it could get dangerous for them !
90% of sales were paid via bank banking by Paymentwall and not by CC!
Uploded not even bother to put the Portuguese language option on the site!
And still want to have thousands of sale without offering support in the language of the country that brings traffic
If not for the countries and some Silver Plate already be closed a long time! those Pop Up advertising brings no income for them? Think about it!
This is what pays your salary!