poor you. I saw you are happy with some Euro from Uploaded.net and always say good good good here
Did you got total 4000 to 5000 $/monthly from uploading?
you are POOR!
right. They shave the sales then given ramdom.
yesterday they give me one sale of 06 month. All of another sales is one month.
most of day no sale. And then some day given one sale of one month.
Then if i got 2 year sale, they given me 6 sales of one month on one day
@Uploaded.net: i known...
me too: one sale (one month) for past 10 days and no sale for past 07 days. I already made nearly 300 sales.
@Till: do you don't listen complain from good uploader?. I was not spammer or warez uploader. I have give you exclusive contents, exclusive uploaded.net link for past 08 months and now...
only got 1 sale (one month) for last 10 days. I have never faced this shaving before!!!
"advertised uploaded accounts" don't move also
is that good time to leave this file host?
anyone have same problem with mine?: I didn't got any "advertised uploaded accounts" for past 04 days. Hence no init sale. This never happened to mine for past 08 months. Very very strange!
finaly on yesterday, 08 advertised accounts, got only 02 init sale of one month 7,49 €
today no advertised accounts and no sale yet.
@Till: Are you don't care what uploader complainted?
+ yesterday 02 advertised accounts 0 sale
+ today 04 advertised accounts, only 1 init sale of one month 7,49 €
@Till: Please do a fix on my sale stat!
p/s: another ones, please don't give me a comment that you have no sale even you have more advertised accounts than me: 5, 6, 10...
@Till: what the hell with my sale stat???
I didn't upload from 20th to 22nd July and then my sale = Zero, my advertised uploaded accounts = Zero
(note: in the past, i often got sale even i don't upload)Yesterday, 23th July, i started uploading again, advertised uploaded accounts = 07 but got...
you are right.
yesterday: 1 advertised uploaded accounts, got 1 init sale, one month sale
today: 0 advertised uploaded accounts, got 1 init sale, one month sale
two days ago: 05 advertised uploaded accounts, got 1 init sale, one month sale
normaly, i got 2 init sales for 3,4 advertised...
I didn't got sale for first seven days of this month. Now sale move very slowly. Even i got many many replies (2000+) to download my uploaded.net premium links ( 1Gb+) but sale still poor...strange. Note that: with above my uploaded.net premium link, you could not find another links on another...
they have done this for years as Turbobit.net.
They said sale 60% but actually only 40% on Letitbit.net
On Turbobit.net got max 48%. Percent of sale you got depend on the purchase system the buyer used. For example, over one year ago, if one people buy one month of premium 9$, you got about...
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