you are right.They give you sales ( sometime big one ) when you leave, and cheat you when you back)
yesterday: 1 advertised uploaded accounts, got 1 init sale, one month sale
today: 0 advertised uploaded accounts, got 1 init sale, one month sale
two days ago: 05 advertised uploaded accounts, got 1 init sale, one month sale
normaly, i got 2 init sales for 3,4 advertised uploaded accounts. And sometimes, got 3,4 init sales for 4 advertised uploaded accounts
For long ago, have one day i got 25 advertised uploaded accounts. but got only one init sale.
UL: something is messy...not logical
Added after 7 minutes:
I just re-caculated my earning from PPS and i realize that i LOSE so much money!.
The reason:
+ Most of sales were not counted (for 48 hours sales, sales made via SMS, paymentwall,...)
+ 95% init sales was one month
+ almost no rebill
So it means that Ul counted for me only some sales and with smallest price...7,49 Euro. I think the real rate for PPS for whole real sale/rebill is less than 10%....not 75%.
UL seem only suitable for spammer who earn by PPD, the people who bring sale for Ul like me got only some coin from PPS (my PPD is only 2-3 Euro/day.)
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