uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

ul.to | Sinem

File Host - Ul.to

uploaded.to is back at WJunction.com!

While we took a little break from WJunction, we had time to overthink our affiliate models and tried to address the desires of our affiliates, so I'm proud to be able to intruduce you to our new affiliate model:

Pay per Sale & Pay per Download at the same time!


You'll earn 75% of the initial purchase of your referred customers, 65% of every valid* rebill they generate.

Additionally, we implemented the Pay per Download model back into our systems.


All types of downloads are counted: Guests, Free-Account and Premium-Account Downloads
Limitation: 1 Download is counted per IP within 24h from Guests and Free-Account Users, 1 Download per Account within 24h from Premium-Account users.

You receive 1000 Points for each referred product, 10000 Points can be redeemed for a premium account which is valid for one month free of charge.

BONUS 2: You get 2 EUR gifted to your account balance once you register a free account at uploaded.to

Screenshots of our statistics overviews:



Payout requests are being processed approx. 14 days after request, payouts can be requested via Amazon EUR Vouchers, WebMoney and Bank Wire-Transfer at the moment.

So go ahead and start using uploaded - NOW!

-> uploaded.to Registration

If you have any questions or issues with your account, feel free to contact me via pm or make a post in this thread - we will try to answer asap.


You can find a declaration of our Download Counts etc. over here -> Click me!


*Valid Rebills:
If a costumer, which was referred by you, purchases a product within 7 days after expiry of his initial purchase, you'll receive 65% of the price which he paid. If he purchases a product, lets say 3 months after expiry of his initial purchase, you won't receive any revenue.
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If you're hired anywhere you get paid monthly so why isn't it a decent way to pay?

of course there will allways be a percantage of lose, but currently we PAY them for fraud us, and you'll confirm me that this can't be the right way. So we set up the 30 days to check ALL the requests manually, we're looking for a better way for sure, because this consum tons of resources but paying them for fraud us isn't any acceptable way.

We don't punish any users, as i said, you'll still get your payment if you don't fraud us.

For me the problem is the fact that i can't receive more than 400 euro daily in my acccount, and most here will face the same problem in a month unless they are really bad uploaders that just earn enough for a McDonals meal montly, like i said before that wouldn't be an inssue with payout queues so i can administrate my online purse to avoid getting more than 400euros that will never be enable to reach my purse without getting rejected due the daily limits, you want 30 days to check for fraud? that's ok but we also need a way to get that money, because right now it wouldn't be possible to get it, but yeah listen to the peny earners, they sure know what's best for both affiliates and uploaded.net.

(Offtopic: Today learned that not everyone in the world get's paid every 15 and 30 of the month like the laws in my country say, maybe that's why most people here doesn't save anything since they see the paycheck really close every day)
so you have to deal with frauds, so what we also have to deal with filehosts that run away, yet we did't expect you to pay weekly,
just a more reasonable ~15 days.
we also come up with idea to deal with frauds (eg. separate payment for pps/ppd) so we can have faster payment, but you just ignore it.
Request date: 2012-08-25.
Method: Webmoney.
Received: Today.

Stop annoying admins we have to work and ul.to will try to do their best to send money faster like for me in 20 days or maybe faster next time.

Sinem and Till Thanks!
PPS and PPD are the same plan, but PPD only counts 1 IP per day globaly, that means if the IP download a file from another user and then download from your files, you get nothing, still PPD is great due the high payout and no shitty download page, and if you happen to sell a premium you get a share, and if you want a PPS plan well the PPD money is an good extra.