Search results

  1. A

    LE with (18+) Pr1

    i must del your link in my blog because you don't add my link.
  2. A

    LE with XXX sites

    Added yours, please add me
  3. A

    LE with (18+) Pr1

    Added your link. Please add me Thanks. ---------- Post added at 02:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 AM ---------- Please check again, i do not see my link/
  4. A

    Link Exchange With

    Added your link, Please add me Thanks.
  5. A

    Looking link exchange with

    Hi, My blog : <a target="_blank" href="" alt="JavLatest" title="Free JAV Latest Update"><strong>Free JAV Latest Update</strong></a>Please add my blog first and then PM your code or reply here, i will add you soon. Thanks and best regards.
  6. A

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    i think end of this month, ryushare will pay normal for all members because he will receive money from avangate and PP :D
  7. A

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    you will receive your payment soon, is paying from 6-11 (first in first out). :D
  8. A

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    Affiliate program open for all members, you only need register one account and start to make money with ryushare. if you need support about ryushare please contact me.
  9. A

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    Payment delay November 21th, 2012 Dear Affiliate, All payment will be delay untill 06-12-2012. Regards Please read News before ask.
  10. A

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    1GB for free user
  11. A

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    Payment received. Thanks Mr. Kai and :D
  12. A

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    Payment received. Thanks Ryushare and kairyukenshin.
  13. A - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    You should remote upload from direct links such as hostleech, vps, rdp.... or you can use FTP to upload.
  14. A - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    Iit was activated after you reg account.
  15. A

    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    I think nobody will receive payment in this time.
  16. A

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    Yes, REPORTS will be shown your stats. Madmadman is a ryushare supporter.
  17. A

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    I can answer your questions : 1. Access 2. Ryushare only has one plan : 60% sales + 60% rebills. 3. All sales and rebills are counting correctly.
  18. A - Official Support Thread

    This host only has PPS plan, no mix plan.