uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

ul.to | Sinem

File Host - Ul.to

uploaded.to is back at WJunction.com!

While we took a little break from WJunction, we had time to overthink our affiliate models and tried to address the desires of our affiliates, so I'm proud to be able to intruduce you to our new affiliate model:

Pay per Sale & Pay per Download at the same time!


You'll earn 75% of the initial purchase of your referred customers, 65% of every valid* rebill they generate.

Additionally, we implemented the Pay per Download model back into our systems.


All types of downloads are counted: Guests, Free-Account and Premium-Account Downloads
Limitation: 1 Download is counted per IP within 24h from Guests and Free-Account Users, 1 Download per Account within 24h from Premium-Account users.

You receive 1000 Points for each referred product, 10000 Points can be redeemed for a premium account which is valid for one month free of charge.

BONUS 2: You get 2 EUR gifted to your account balance once you register a free account at uploaded.to

Screenshots of our statistics overviews:



Payout requests are being processed approx. 14 days after request, payouts can be requested via Amazon EUR Vouchers, WebMoney and Bank Wire-Transfer at the moment.

So go ahead and start using uploaded - NOW!

-> uploaded.to Registration

If you have any questions or issues with your account, feel free to contact me via pm or make a post in this thread - we will try to answer asap.


You can find a declaration of our Download Counts etc. over here -> Click me!


*Valid Rebills:
If a costumer, which was referred by you, purchases a product within 7 days after expiry of his initial purchase, you'll receive 65% of the price which he paid. If he purchases a product, lets say 3 months after expiry of his initial purchase, you won't receive any revenue.
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Originally Posted by am1000
your screen is the right one :d
i like ul.to :sun:

Thats why i was wondering when US traffic came back to business or is it a mistake they forgot to fix

well even with the screen that i put USA stay in Bronz plane
can i store 10TB data on your server with premium membership or free please answer?

You get unlimited space as free and premium user.

Does uploaded allow US traffic again?


How can I put my payment info, please?

You'll be able to add your payment infos while request a payout

Now, isnt that weird?! so which one is true?


The first one was copied out of the start post, which we don't update with new screens just because of a group moving. So yes USA is Gold.

so you guys just come up with an excuse - credit frauds (like it never happen before) to restore back to your 30days payment
after wooing back your PPD users with faster payment.

First of all, in our ToS it's written down to a 30 days payout. Why do you join a service if you don't accept the ToS? Did you even read them? Blaming us for not accepting our ToS, but using our service seems illogical.
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yes but las weeks the payout was made in 15 days, there is more than tos in a affiliate relationship.... ok the tos clarify that, but is also true that you are doing a mesure that prejudice all the afiliates.

Sorry but its easy to create excuses. I mean the uploaders that like that 30 days payment are the ones that dont make anything, dont bring traffic, but i want to see them like that with a 1500 euros hold on the account for 30 days.... i mean MU was closed in one, filesonic in 3 after that.... if tomorow you just close your doors we will all be harmed.

I'm sorry Till i really have respect for you guys, but to be true 15 days was too much, 30 days is a real shot in the dark, many things can happen in internet in 30 days. I'm sorry again, but your affiliates are not to be blamed for your system make you victim of a fraud. You really need to listen to your REAL affiliates, not the 1 dollar ones. We know that there are a ton of better solution for that. I mean the affiliate payment is not the problem at all, the scammers can either sell the account that have frauded, so why put this blame on us?

also we still need to pay for the server to upload to ul, how to do that if the payment takes more than 30 days?
yes but las weeks the payout was made in 15 days, there is more than tos in a affiliate relationship.... ok the tos clarify that, but is also true that you are doing a mesure that prejudice all the afiliates.

Sorry but its easy to create excuses. I mean the uploaders that like that 30 days payment are the ones that dont make anything, dont bring traffic, but i want to see them like that with a 1500 euros hold on the account for 30 days.... i mean MU was closed in one, filesonic in 3 after that.... if tomorow you just close your doors we will all be harmed.

I'm sorry Till i really have respect for you guys, but to be true 15 days was too much, 30 days is a real shot in the dark, many things can happen in internet in 30 days. I'm sorry again, but your affiliates are not to be blamed for your system make you victim of a fraud. You really need to listen to your REAL affiliates, not the 1 dollar ones. We know that there are a ton of better solution for that. I mean the affiliate payment is not the problem at all, the scammers can either sell the account that have frauded, so why put this blame on us?

also we still need to pay for the server to upload to ul, how to do that if the payment takes more than 30 days?

You pay once per month for servers so whats the problem with an 30 day intervall?

We don't looking for excuse, we are looking for a stable way to run our business, so we're able to offer it to our real customers in long term usage. Not to see us loosing thousand of euros daily.

Most here are so self centered, you don't care that we lose thousand of euros DAILY because of this fraudsters, only thing you care is your money WHICH WE PAID all the time.

What do you think is better, 15days payout and a firm which lose thousand of euros and probably can't offer a long term usage because of this or a stable firm with 30days payout, less lose of income and a stable service?

I mean the affiliate payment is not the problem at all, the scammers can either sell the account that have frauded, so why put this blame on us?

They create referal sales, we payout thousand of euros to them and you say it's not an problem with the affilate payments?
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Oh come on Till, what i mean is, you still lose money just by they using the premium for free, and lose with the chargeback because you problably have to pay fees....

i'm not self centered, but 30 day its not a decent way to pay i'm sorry... (acctully you will take more than 30 days... because its 30 bussines day, so its 31, 32, 34... even 45 days ^^)

i mean if you are losing THOUSANDS os euros.... you really need to review your way to receive the money, and not penalize the uploaders.... i mean, in a bussines some clients make a stupid thing, and you are gonna blame that in your innocent employes?

Again about we just care about our money.... yeah man of course, 99% of us upload for money not for glory, in other way we would use torrent and not http. (its a goofy way to think, that there are people here interested in the well being of mankid).

Two put in simple words, you still lose money with this 30 day, and lose affiliates to. You need to find a paysystem that don't allow this frauds, or this easy chargebacks, but that is the truth, and not penalyze us.....

They create referal sales, we payout thousand of euros to them and you say it's not an problem with the affilate payments?

so hold the gooddam sales credit for 30 days, or until its confirmed....
Oh come on Till, what i mean is, you still lose money just by they using the premium for free, and lose with the chargeback because you problably have to pay fees....

i'm not self centered, but 30 day its not a decent way to pay i'm sorry... (acctully you will take more than 30 days... because its 30 bussines day, so its 31, 32, 34... even 45 days ^^)

i mean if you are losing THOUSANDS os euros.... you really need to review your way to receive the money, and not penalize the uploaders.... i mean, in a bussines some clients make a stupid thing, and you are gonna blame that in your innocent employes?

Again about we just care about our money.... yeah man of course, 99% of us upload for money not for glory, in other way we would use torrent and not http. (its a goofy way to think, that there are people here interested in the well being of mankid).

Two put in simple words, you still lose money with this 30 day, and lose affiliates to. You need to find a paysystem that don't allow this frauds, or this easy chargebacks, but that is the truth, and not penalyze us.....

so hold the gooddam sales credit for 30 days, or until its confirmed....

If you're hired anywhere you get paid monthly so why isn't it a decent way to pay?

of course there will allways be a percantage of lose, but currently we PAY them for fraud us, and you'll confirm me that this can't be the right way. So we set up the 30 days to check ALL the requests manually, we're looking for a better way for sure, because this consum tons of resources but paying them for fraud us isn't any acceptable way.

We don't punish any users, as i said, you'll still get your payment if you don't fraud us.
of course their will allways be a percantage of lose, but currently we PAY them for fraud us, and you'll confirm me that this can't be the right way.
Till, why do you let yourself be one of those policy discussions?
You do your job well. You have always paid reliably. For years.
It doesn't matter if it takes 10 or 30 days to be paid. It is paid. Always! This is important.
Keep it up! (y)