uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Dear friends & members,
hows going your life hows going your sales ?
well i can understand there are lot of things which is not according to you to be honest its just a matter of time i m sure
first of all you should not think about past you should only think about present work let it be as it is forget about past live in present make ur future better and bigger.
if i say some filehosts cheating with uploaders will you believe ? ofcourse you will because you are not getting sales but thats not true trust me .
some users come here for only them own ego for only fight for only excuses because they are not good as you are guys so just because bed comments dont let down your hope your passion ok ? your weapon is your talent & your talent is ur passion be as you are do your hardwork as well as smartwork.
uplaoded.net deleting files they do suspend accounts just because of them security they doing because of dmca also.
now i tell you few things 1 leave this filehost if you cannot trust 2 do posts get access on big sites posts as much as u can atleast 50+ on 50+forums and blogs 3 try to talk with staff of filehosts trust in them words and let them know you are the best uploader.
if you talk about me yes i prefer k2s & Rapidgator they are best they will be best because they dont shave sales so my first priority is rapidgator some love them some hate them does not matter.
you want some ? Come get some :) i will help i will teach i will guide i will show you how to get sales i will show u what best for you i will show u wht best for you.

trust me or not but thats true thats the bottom line of the day

takecare goodluck

What's going one ????!!

can someone explain to me why i'm not payed for the entire downloads and what they meens by "valid downloads" ??!!!

i have more than 100 downs but valid downloads are only 66 ???!!

thank's :) !!!!
@ul.to open your eyes :thumbdown:

People love uploaded... but right now people are starting to think ... so ...You will fall just like the others if you continue agressevly blocking accounts

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first of all you should not think about past you should only think about present work let it be as it is forget about past live in present make ur future better and bigger.

You are right. As I can see some guys think that they can get the same money like 5-10 years ago from posting. This time is gone, unfortunately...
I have 2 accounts suspended, one payment request put on hold after being marked as checked. Another WMZ request has been checked for a while.
I wrote an email to affiliate department with extremely low expectations.

Update: Following my e-mail another account associated with my e-mail suspended without any infringement claim.
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I have 2 accounts suspended, one payment request put on hold after being marked as checked. Another WMZ request has been checked for a while.
I wrote an email to affiliate department with extremely low expectations.

so an account marked as checked can easily turn to hold and get suspended?
Please dont work continue with Uploaded.net because Cyando AG from Switzerland was courts in Germany München and said that must accept deleting illegal files like movies, ebooks etc and of DMCA too so dont upload anymore and use Rapidgator.net and i love really Uploaded.net and past was best Uploaded.net because i am still using this long 7 years but now i use no more because they deleting so much my files and now in this year 2017 is very bad about Uploaded.neg

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guys i speak very straight forward those working let them work those are not working with uploaded come with me come in new era come in my place i will show you what best for you some time risk is good but dont play with ur hardwork do smartwork and choose trusted filehost u want some come get some.
thank you
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