uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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I got this message today: This account has been permanently suspended due to violations of the Terms and Conditions...

I just upload movies and nothing eles,,,, so what kind of terms? Its wierd I had so many download in every days but Its been more than 6 month that I had not any sale but I had 14 advertised uploaded accounts, So afew days ago I asked them why I had not any sale for a long time and they answered as always....

But Now Im wonder about my suspension,,,,,Is there any way or any hope for ReOpening It....I have 37 dollar in Its account balance....
The account is gone. But you might still earn from that account if rebills are still happening for that account or through the 60/40 download reward method when someone imports your links to their account.
As my Account be suspended, ...Consider this that I had so many download in every days but Its been 6 moneth that I never had any sale and I won't...Because I was sure that there is s serious problem with my account to having sale..

So what can I do with this 37 $ in my account balance??

This is not exception but It will be developed to have suspension so It must be a way....
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