This is not a good host. I am the Lead Admin of Topboard & Doolls. I have to take care of members. I asked them to dled to free users at a speed of 150 kbs, that is slow and they refused. I threw them off my white list. There are many good hosts that want business from over 1000 posters. I don't have to worry about this crappy host
When was the last time the paid on Webmoney???
from 2017-03-27 more than 40 days :cursing:
And I finally got money in my bank account!
payment recibed.
open 2017-04-03 >> recibed 2017-05-04
Bank transfer.
paid me with bitcoins today
My account suspended.
But they still paid
Time will be longer : 1 month
Added after 1:
They will pay
be patient
A new account I created a few days ago is banned again. It's time to move on from Uploaded. So which filehost is the next
Added after 48 minutes:
Has anyone whose account is suspended been already paid via Bank Transfer or Bitcoin?
Added after 35 minutes:
And I finally got money in my bank account!
Suspended or not?