UndergroundPrivate.com-OpenVZ, KVM, Unmetred Band, DDos Protected,Private 12$ (FR,RU)

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hello underground.... i have got the service from you it is the best.... i really got disappointed because i thought you are like all the rest which get money and :wave: ........


start the video 2:20...... hope you are happy for your fans..... :)

this video is from me for you you are the best this service is really underground who can understand.... finally i found you and i am really happy...... i have nothing to hide for myself hope you can understand who i am on the video (Latino)..... dance with this and leave the rest....... hope you can understand the meaning of the video.......... :musical-note::musical-note::musical-note::musical-note::musical-note: greetings from United Kingdom...... supporting you all.....

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Using their vps services for a few months now and i can say im impressed!
I get support really fast and as a noob in vps and cpanel i learned a lot from them in a few months.
We had some takedowns but they handled it great since they have excellent backup protection and fast vps transfers when needed!
I would recommend them to people who need great managed hosting and managed vps server.

Thanks Underground for restoring my faith in hosting.
again, i recommend them

they are 100% professional

although the last down time caused by some idiots who leaked IPs, but they managed to recover everything within 24 hours , they didn't get sleep untill the fix everything and check that the services work 100% without any problems !

i really appreciate their hard work, their big effort to keep as happy

i would thank everyone who works in their great team

thanks again <3
How the amazing how support of Underground are !!

Was having trouble with previous vps provider, I was looking for new one.

Ran into UndergroundPrivate, support at first sigh little bit not good because they're very busy with other customers. Then they have time with me, then that's the time they blow me with amazing support, they even gave me 3 days test vps before sending money 3 days later, and even lower the cost of the vps for me only.

They even upgrade the port connection for me without any cost, wow !!!!

At first, I was looking for only unmanaged VPS, and this is managed VPS, not the one I looking for, but I can't pass this with amazing support and what they offered (DMCA ignored, performance,...) so this is my first month with them.

Hopefully the vps server will not have any problem then there're more reviews to come!!
Dear clients and customers ,

The time that we all awaited has came , all our service from now and on has been migrated to Russia , multiple e-mails coming and asking us if Netherlands is DMCA ignored as location , the Netherlands is not DMCA ignored like all the rest European countries , multiple things has been changed with those locations and it is not for using them more , multiple customers that interested into our services has reported as when they was using other providers they got very large problems , we won't use officially for providing services to Netherlands or similar European country for our services , you have the ability to order per your request any location you would need for your services.

As we have wrote all services is now on Russia , all the hardware comes with latest upgrades and technology same as the network , fast reliable and safe network to be used. All hard disk are now SAS (15K) , we do have and SSD , just get in touch with us. We always respect highly your privacy , we not share / rent / sell your data or personal information's with others. Our official website undergroundprivate.com has been updated also with the prices as the topic here , also the shared hosting is being upgraded with SSD disk and Russia location too with highly privacy on it for you.

We do also now provide fully managed dedicated servers that you can find on our official websites as the bulletproof VPS.

Anyone needs to get in touch with us regarding our services please not hesitate to contact us on the below methods.

We would like to thank you all for the support via emails , skype and other methods you are showing us , we will our best to provide you the best quality services and support you won't find anywhere else. We would like from here to thanks the wjunction staff for the great work they are doing with the community so we all have the best experience.

On our offshore hosting company there is no hidden charges or fees , no marketing tricks on services , we do what we say.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
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When I try create new article, I found my site offline
I've report about it, and underground staff already checkand confirm my site hit by ddos attack.

After some minute waiting they fix my server problem, my site server up again.
I am really happy staff can help me out from this problem, support and their knowledge of the servers are very good.
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Do you accept Payza?

Hello Andrew ,

We do not accept payza.

We accept : Paypal , Bitcoin , Webmoney , Paysafecards.

We are sorry for this , if you not find solution please contact us via below methods :

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
Hey guys,

I just want to share my experience with undergroundprivate.com. So I've used their shared hosting and well it's time to move to a VPS so I upgraded to one. Since I only used cPanel before, I didn't want to pay like $15 for the license, they offered to help me install a free control panel on my VPS, moved all my site data over and my site was up in no time! I think with this host, you can have a peace of mind, especially for someone like me that doesn't know too much about ssh and command line stuff. If you are looking for a new VPS provider, give undergroundprivate a try!

Anyway, about their support, it's just top notch. I am always able to find them over Skype, and that is why I choose them over other hosts. I prefer fast support and with these guys you won't be disappointed!
hello underground private.com

My vps shifted to other vps thanks you for the moving of my server.i realy appriciate for the service.

Thanks you fro great support.
Cheers mate
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1 year proud client never i saw like this provider they are in all the best you can imagine

wooow : ))) after the network update today the speeds are freaking awesome for Russia location, you was and are my best host i feel so safe for everything with you and your support is f****** awesome i simply love you

love you
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I experience a lot of downtime because of DDOS attack for 2 months and a friend of mine
suggested this host and because of that i am very thankful that he told me about them
and i just move today

I really love this host the support are professional and friendly
they help me move my site and they do it flawlessly
and also they answer every question you have with a smile

This is my new home :)
Dear clients and customers ,

Day , night , cold , heat , rain , snow , earthquakes and many more disasters and we are here to assist you all with the best support and quality offshore hosting service.

We are everyday getting too much requests and tickets by all of you and we are all doing the best to assist you , we want you thank you all for choosing us and supporting us everyday and sending your e-mails with your supports , we will do the best we can to support you all , we do what we say to you , we are not like rest providers that they not does what they say and throw you out of the service when a problem happens , we not suspend you , we not terminate but instead of this we try to help you in the best possible way.

The new network before some days has been upgraded successfully , we are running all the latest technology on the servers you all loved in Russia , great lighting speeds and quality , hardware has been upgraded too. You will find in our offshore provider the best cheap prices and the best quality , all our services are managed by us and there are no hidden feeds or additional fees.

Because many email are consider to payments methods we want to inform you that we accept : Paypal , Bitcoin , Webmoney and Paysafecards.

Also please note that France / Canada Servers DDos Protected after all has been sold , we did the favor for all of you you are asking.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
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Hello rayapati ,

We not give any promos due that the prices are automatically reduced, right now all prices are -50% reduced, you can see on our main website.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email undergroundprivate.com@outlook.com or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
Another Feedback

Earlier someone hacked my server (half of it is my fault since someone had my password.. and i damn regret it) and deleted mysql and here i thought my site is gone forever
but luckily the guys behind this host helped me and recover my database that been deleted and now my site is back and running again like nothing happened!
I owe them a lot. They are a life saver.
I was so happy that my site back online. They are so good, so patient, friendly, so reliable, outstanding professionals and most of all they are really
understanding to its clients.. for example like me that im still a beginner.. they guide me, they give me tips, and i they thought several things for security
and enhancement of my site. My Experience to them is 100% satisfaction. The support is really superb! they help me when i needed them.
Thats why im so happy that a friend suggested this host. No doubts, No regrets and a 100% Satisfaction from its support and service
Thanks Undergroundprivate!
This is really the Best Host Ever!
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Great thanks for UndergroundPrivate for providing such a nice service. It's an year and a month, since I'm with them. They made me stick with them by giving a wonderful support and service which you can't experience anywhere else.

10/10 (y)
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