Ultramegabit Pay-Per Download $35/1000 - PPS 75% - Rebill 60/40

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I do not understand why it takes so long to activate affiliate program :(

[mod]You do not read do you? Post again about not being approved and you will be infracted or banned for thread spam. Read the thread he is not approving new affiliates currently because of stability issues.[/mod]
moogie , when will u open download link? files cant download :( "404 Not Found" and "we have reached the maximum number of free download slots for your country. Try again later, or upgrade to premium to avoid this"
^^yeah 100% lolz..at least make 2GB downloadable size for free user and u will generate more sales with it. upload speed from NL RDP very sucks...600kb-1MB when others can give 20-40MB
No free slots.... :facepalm:

Hey moogie,you should rename Your site: www.onlyforrichpeoplewhobringusmoney.com!

You service not available for free users from tier 3 more than 1 day. :(
I understand your business perspective.Really.But,please understand us too,not everyone can buy premium.Eastern Europe not USA,Canada...!

I remember Filesonic.They never forced people to buy premium,anywhere they are from.And FS had much more user than your site,including much more leechers( as you called the free users X-( ).And FS still worked fine in case of 99% !

If the Tier 3 countries can't download,what is PPD 4/1000 worth than??

So,if this situation stay,you should write your site main page: free downloads only for Tier 1 & 2 countries!
And fix the first post in this thread too!Otherwise your first post is deceptive for the users.

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