Ultramegabit Pay-Per Download $35/1000 - PPS 75% - Rebill 60/40

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lol not only with you Aditi .... Europe is also to moogie a low country group ....

what are you going on about?

Added after 15 minutes:

You know how they say, one or 2 people could ruin it for everyone? Well, due to the abuse I've been forced to endure in this thread. I am seriously debating implementing a ppd model like ul.to.

I don't get it. I mean, at least you guys are earning something here, for low quality traffic. And then you accuse us of being greedy while we're trying to cut our bandwidth usage down from countries which don't benefit us in anyway. Nobody is being greedy here. We're being realistic. We can't keep increasing our bandwidth bill just so we can enable more traffic from countries that don't benefit the site. Sorry, but that's not how business works.

We're in a business here to make money together with our partners. We're not here to just give money away.
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sorry ... but with Uploaded is Europe with in top 2 rates , and belgium at gold rate
im from belgium and with you that is low rate ?

Countries/Regions 3-100 MB 100-1000 MB
Germany - United Kingdom - France
Spain - Australia - Belgium
USA - Canada
Austria - Japan - Netherlands
Denmark - Greece - Italy
Polonia - Russia - Sweden - Switzerland
stick with your plan moogie...i believed that if the country that they want to moved can generate sales you will do the necessary adjustments

why not asked moogie to fix first the "delete/move" files for me this is more important than other things
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sorry ... but with Uploaded is Europe with in top 2 rates , and belgium at gold rate
im from belgium and with you that is low rate ?

Countries/Regions 3-100 MB 100-1000 MB
Germany - United Kingdom - France
Spain - Australia - Belgium
USA - Canada
Austria - Japan - Netherlands
Denmark - Greece - Italy
Polonia - Russia - Sweden - Switzerland
so, what is your point?
My tier 2:
Saudi Arabia

and my minimum filesize is 100MB, for 20/1000.

you make no sense?

edit. lawina, stick with ul.to. if it works better for you.
"Download slot limit reached

Sorry, we have reached the maximum number of free download slots for your country. Try again later, or upgrade to premium to avoid this."

what is it? look like turbobit :facepalm:
i get since this morning every time i wanna download a file :
Download slot limit reached

Sorry, we have reached the maximum number of free download slots for your country. Try again later, or upgrade to premium to avoid this."

And my ip is from belgium
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