Ultramegabit Pay-Per Download $35/1000 - PPS 75% - Rebill 60/40

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moogie Why all my file is only show Premium download?
I try to change permissions to No restrictions but not work. Plz help.. :( :(

they're not premium. it shows premium to you because you're logged in with your affiliate acccount. which only shows the premium download link.

I logout of all my affiliate acccount and try again but it still only show Premium download, free download show File not available (I try all web browser, it's same)
Plz check..

Example Link : http://ultramegabit.com/file/details/JeX4tbXb048
after 4 hours i've tested my files (logged out) and it says "Download slot limit reached" so practically my files can be download only from a few privilege countries thats why my stats are low today, sales will come when this fielhost get popular but forcing ppl to buy being a new filehost it's just not good.
after 4 hours i've tested my files (logged out) and it says "Download slot limit reached" so practically my files can be download only from a few privilege countries thats why my stats are low today, sales will come when this fielhost get popular but forcing ppl to buy being a new filehost it's just not good.
this host began to be very greedy
hi moogie

me too facing same problem...my files display:(

Sorry, we have reached the maximum number of free download slots for your country. Try again later, or upgrade to premium to avoid this.

hope u fix this soon ;)
dear can some 1 tell me how can i select all files and copy to new created folder there is no select all option and i think copy past move button on upper row not working working buttons are in detail in front of file name are working .
I think ALL country's are at privilege
also Europe ..........
what means NO FREE downloads any more ....

Sorry, we have reached the maximum number of free download slots for your country. Try again later, or upgrade to premium to avoid this.

What is PPD worth ten ?

I am a greedy dupe wanting to exploit your service and payment system. Can I screw you and your other users so I can make a few dollars more?
this host began to be very greedy

no we're not being greedy. We're doing almost 10Gb sustained of bandwidth. And we need to cut off countries that are low producing and not bringing sales. As we pay 8800$ just for 5GB of burstable BW. That's bandwidth only. Not counting the servers. I really don't feel like paying 16,000 USD a month just so low countries can leech all of our bandwidth and take away the browsing experience from the countries which actually buy memberships, and their traffic is actually paid for by advertising companies.

also, if your from one of the low producing countries, just because you are, that doesent mean all your downloaders are. Unless that is all you market to?
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