UMB Support
Active Member
tomorrow is what big day? What are you going on about see if I pay? LMAO. do you know how many times I've 'paid'?
just limit the traffic per ID mate..and delete the LIMIT per country...1or2GB a day should be enough
No free slots.... :facepalm:
Hey moogie,you should rename Your site:!
You service not available for free users from tier 3 more than 1 day.
I understand your business perspective.Really.But,please understand us too,not everyone can buy premium.Eastern Europe not USA,Canada...!
I remember Filesonic.They never forced people to buy premium,anywhere they are from.And FS had much more user than your site,including much more leechers( as you called the free users X-( ).And FS still worked fine in case of 99% !
If the Tier 3 countries can't download,what is PPD 4/1000 worth than??
So,if this situation stay,you should write your site main page: free downloads only for Tier 1 & 2 countries!
And fix the first post in this thread too!Otherwise your first post is deceptive for the users.
I'm pretty sure this host will turn for PPS only , or they will decrease the PPD rate like rapidgator that's for %100
I do not understand why it takes so long to activate affiliate program![]()
moogie can you plz check the remote upload function i think its not working properly when i paste 1 direct link into the RL box & then press enters to get to the second line its not working.......
a friend from finland wanted to download one of my files, he did not see the slot limit thing But when he types the captcha it gives this
Errors occured:
The ReCAPTCHA field is required.
You will be redirected in 5 seconds. Click here(buy premium) if you do not wish to wait.
i told him to try again but he got the same error and i cant try coz my country is limited since the morning!! so anybody here from a 1 rst world country can try the free download on any file to see if the captcha works or it gives you the error and send you to buy premium
This is what my friend sees
moogie where you solve the problem? today I think you had best-selling premium, we will see if we will pay us ... tomorrow is the big day
Hmmm, I seem to be running into a problem while FTP uploading now.
Worked fine for the entire past 2 days but all of a sudden today the file just won't go through.
Any ideas on whats causing the problem?
You should have daily download limit for all free users. Something like 5-10 GB per day.
Maybe reduce the 4/1000 to 1/1000, but don't limit the users too much.
If they can't pay for premium they won't buy no matter how much you force them, instead they will look for other hosts.
@moogie if i'm on PPD can i see if i got any sales?
@moogie if i'm on PPD can i see if i got any sales?
We will begin paying out on the 1st, and the 15th of every month, with the next paydate tentatively set for October 1st. We aim for October 1st, assuming we are not hit with another wave of chargebacks from CC Fraud. If there are many chargebacks, the paydate will be on the 15th.
No, I will STOP paying for poor traffic. Like UL.TO. This is what I will do.