UFOX.com Official Support Thread

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but Zap couldn't know if those PPD-Uploaders sold a few Premiums via Reseller.

It's his decision and it's o.k, if he paid all those PPD-Uploaders which now stuck between $ 10 and $ 24,99 (like Filevice did few weeks ago), that would make him trustworthy and give him a good reputation.

But he didn't and saves so all that money from this PPD-Uploaders and this is ofcourse not fair.


You are totally right nikita and did you see Zapu is ignoring us and saying nothing..... of course it's not fair

But I think the people is becoming aware of this situation and are stopping using this filehost and sending free traffic to ufox

Now as you see they also have delays in payments with the excuse of vacation (looks like only one person works at ufox)
doesn't matter if they delay 1week, at least if they pay :)

but are you sure they pay? because they removed PPD in a poor and unfair way, also they owe money to those affiliates and ignoring us:


but Zap couldn't know if those PPD-Uploaders sold a few Premiums via Reseller.

It's his decision and it's o.k, if he paid all those PPD-Uploaders which now stuck between $ 10 and $ 24,99 (like Filevice did few weeks ago), that would make him trustworthy and give him a good reputation.

But he didn't and saves so all that money from this PPD-Uploaders and this is ofcourse not fair.


Also they are not credited well the premiums sales, how is possible with another filehost I sell 2 premiums in average per day with the half of files and in ufox (according to them) never sold one?

The answer is clear to me, they are cheating affiliates also they want traffic without paying any coin .... then if you ask me if they pay I must say nope. Also the delays are symptoms of poor liquid funds and time to say :wave:
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but are you sure they pay? because they removed PPD in a poor and unfair way, also they owe money to those affiliates and ignoring us:

"A poor and unfair way" to who? We only removed those that didn't bring us any sales, we paid out 1000's of dollars and got nothing in return from many PPD uploaders... and you say we're being unfair? Seems the other way around. As for those that didn't make the $25 threshold, before the change, they now have an incentive to bring us some PPS sales.. and we'll gladly pay them once they hit $25. If they can't do that, as some claimed, then that also proves that they know their traffic is crap and the only way they can make a buck at it, is if they get paid PPD rates.

Added after 4 minutes:

Also they are not credited well the premiums sales, how is possible with another filehost I sell 2 premiums in average per day with the half of files and in ufox (according to them) never sold one?

Did you really even work for us? You've never contacted me in any other way except always posting, since we started in January, nothing but hateful comments. Your opinion about us is obviously biased in many ways.... I wonder why?

Added after 3 minutes:

The answer is clear to me, they are cheating affiliates also they want traffic without paying any coin .... then if you ask me if they pay I must say nope. Also the delays are symptoms of poor liquid funds and time to say :wave:

It's clear to you... in your warped mind no doubt. There is good and there is bad traffic... we only want to good stuff... no one wants bad traffic. Ask FileParadox .... we've been working together to root out the traffic scammers... :-=
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Thanks a lot, Sandra6; you can start by waving goodbye to that fool cloudnine, just like he wants.

Added after 6 minutes:

time to say :wave:


We will take that cute little waving symbol you put up to mean "goodbye"...adios, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

But see; the problem with loudmouths like him is that they never really say goodbye for good; it's just a short pause before more of the jealousy and hatred rears its ugly head once again.

Anyone wanna bet he pops back up on this thread despite waving goodbye?
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