Some of my downloaders have been reporting that they have been getting a virus infected exe file with the same filename as the file they are supposed to download.
The virus infected file comes from
I also noticed today, that Uploaded now use popup ads.
What is going on?
Does anyone know how you can make a file only available for download to premium users, but less than 300MB? I've seen many people do it, but I cannot find the option.
Has anyone been paid via bank and not Amazon?
Sadly, is no use to me since I'm not in Europe.
I haven't yet seen anyone post proof of being paid via bank, so I am scared to request payout until
someone proves that they actually get paid. I'm hoping someone can post something to...
I have recieved complaints that there appears to be something wrong with the download timer.
The message "You have reached the max. number of possible free downloads for this hour, please try again in an hour." appears even long after the hour has ended, taking over 24 hours to reset.
I tested...
After about 200 downloads nobody can download my files anymore.
They get the error: "This file reached max downloads limit" Error is displayed when trying to download anything!
All my files become locked! What is the limit?
What do I need to do to remove the limit?
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