Turbobit Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Turbobit here.

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When you try to download from turbobit you get ths message: " Our service is currently unavailable in your country. Sorry about that". It isnt available in the US. If your are looking for a way around it please whatever you do DONT DOWNLOAD a program like Expat Shield, Ultrasurf, Foxy Proxy, Free VPN or the like that hides or gives your computer a new IP address to fool turboboit into thinking youre computer is from another country. They do not work and you will screw up your computer horribly. Once you exit the program you get a nice little surprise you will NOT be able to connect to the internet because it deleted, removed your IP address or God know what it did with it and the only solution is to do a system restore to get your IP address back again and keep your fingers crossed that is is successfull. I know because it happened to me.

UltraSurf change some connection settings that you have to switch back or you won't be able to connect to internet. And also, ultrasurf only (what I know) gives only new US IP so no idea to use that. Use a free online service like cyberghostvpn.com instead so you don't have to worry about your computers connection settings.

i already have 260 downloads and the file size is over 700mb how come i didnt earn any and my balance is still zero.. help please im a free user
i already have 260 downloads and the file size is over 700mb how come i didnt earn any and my balance is still zero.. help please im a free user

I'm not certain, but new users only get paid per sale and not per download.

I suggest you contact Turbobit support to get your tariff changed to pay per download or ppd.
yes this sales are very low and also ppd is very low i hate that coins .... it is really hard to get better temperature and when i get good one i loose it fast :(
I sometimes really hate this affiliate system on turbobit.. I don't really understand why i get so low profit with a one-month sale made over my link. They advertise that I'll get 60% of each sale but the following picture doesn't say so.. I already created a ticket there to figure this out but if someone with more knowledge can explain this, i'll be grateful!

They pay you 60% (or more with Gold status) of THEIR profit. SMS paygates are very expensive and the merchant gets just around 30-40% of the money, so you get 60% of their income. It's a little bit weird sometimes, but in my opinion TB is one of the most honest hosts out there, I never experienced they would have cheated!
Yes. I totally agree they're completely honest with sales and download counters. But I believe it'd have been better if they'd specified exactly how much I will get for SMS payment. Overall, I'm pleased with Turbobit.
Hello! My name is Arina. I am new partner program manager. I will be glad to answer all your questions. Always welcome!

Hello. It's great to see you here.. I was about to forward this question to support team but i believe you can clarify it. I got a one month premium sale on the 21/09/2013, although it was paid via credit card, i only got 4.1614 for the sale as shown in the attached file. I work on PPS (%60 of every sale). I didn't quite understand that. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

I sometimes really hate this affiliate system on turbobit.. I don't really understand why i get so low profit with a one-month sale made over my link. They advertise that I'll get 60% of each sale but the following picture doesn't say so.. I already created a ticket there to figure this out but if someone with more knowledge can explain this, i'll be grateful!


All filehosts use SMS payment same: turbobit, hitfile, letitbit
They use SMS to cheat.

If you choose PPD, you will see sale via credit card but you don't get commission in this case.
If you switch to PPS, 90% of sales via SMS 1 or days.
That why they keep that paygate. affiliate have not option to disable SMS payment.

22/09/2013 SMS 1 day 0.2620 hold
21/09/2013 SMS 1 day 0.1328 hold
20/09/2013 Call2Pay 1 month 1.6065 hold
17/09/2013 SMS 5 days 0.1275 hold
17/09/2013 SMS 1 day 0.2678 hold
15/09/2013 SMS 1 day 0.2620 hold

30 sales turbobit = 1 sale from other hosts.
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